I'm optimistic that I will normalize my appetite soon because of what I will do now || Soy optimista y creo que pronto normalizaré mi apetito gracias a lo que haré ahorasteemCreated with Sketch.

in WORLD OF XPILAR2 years ago



Even if there is only a thread of hope, I will try to cling to it.

Aunque sólo haya un hilo de esperanza, intentaré aferrarme a él.

It had been a million years ever since I have enjoyed a simple meal. I was able to eat better and those were from many moons ago even with simple foods, the dishes taste better even if my mother would stack rice unto my plate. I just missed those years even though I am plagued with pain although of course it is better without so much pain but the fact that I had lost my appetite really gave me a hard time because I am not living anymore, I am just surviving. We all know that it is not the way a person should live because there is no point in living if you have are just existing and not enjoying even the basic functions of your body. It is not enough to have less pain for me, I just wanted to be normal in terms of having a normal appetite.

Hacía un millón de años que no disfrutaba de una comida sencilla. Podía comer mejor y eso era de hace muchas lunas incluso con comidas sencillas, los platos sabían mejor incluso si mi madre apilaba arroz en mi plato. Simplemente echaba de menos aquellos años aunque estoy plagado de dolor aunque por supuesto es mejor sin tanto dolor pero el hecho de haber perdido el apetito realmente me hizo pasar un mal rato porque ya no estoy viviendo, solo estoy sobreviviendo. Todos sabemos que esa no es la forma en que una persona debe vivir, porque no tiene sentido vivir si sólo existes y no disfrutas ni siquiera de las funciones básicas de tu cuerpo. Para mí no es suficiente tener menos dolor, sólo quería ser normal en términos de tener un apetito normal.



Eating should be a form of happiness and you are already a winner if you have a good appetite.

Comer debería ser una forma de felicidad y ya eres un ganador si tienes buen apetito.

I hope that God would bless my plan of action so that I can at least experience some taste of normality in my life which never experienced joy and missing a lot of things that I could have done, ventures that I should have gotten myself to involve with, the quality times that I should have made with my friends and relatives and also to my family, the things that I could have bought that I can use outside the four walls of my room. I did missed a lot and maybe it will be like that for the remainder of my stay here on the face of the earth. Now I miss my appetite so bad that I must undergo some changes so that I can experience a difference and hopefully the results will be so favorable and I also think that it would work.

Espero que Dios bendiga mi plan de acción para que al menos pueda experimentar un poco de normalidad en mi vida que nunca experimentó alegría y se perdió un montón de cosas que podría haber hecho, las empresas que debería haber conseguido involucrarme con, los tiempos de calidad que debería haber hecho con mis amigos y parientes y también a mi familia, las cosas que podría haber comprado que puedo utilizar fuera de las cuatro paredes de mi habitación. Eché de menos muchas cosas y quizá sea así durante el resto de mi estancia aquí en la faz de la tierra. Ahora echo tanto de menos mi apetito que tengo que sufrir algunos cambios para que pueda experimentar una diferencia y espero que los resultados sean tan favorables y también creo que funcionaría.



I just want the basic gears of my body to start rolling again from years of stalling abnormally and I do think that I can do it.

Sólo quiero que los engranajes básicos de mi cuerpo empiecen a rodar de nuevo tras años de estancamiento anormal y creo que puedo hacerlo.

So there is an underlying problem now, it do have a cause and I intend to solve it right here and right now. Well of course that would require some time for me to feel any difference but hopefully and gradually I can get back was once lost for so much time now. It never came to me that I can overload on calcium and now I think that I am having a Calcium overload for that matter because I am taking Vitamin D3 which makes it easier for my intestines to absorb Calcium. Now it will be easy to solve it by just taking off Calcium from my diet as well as stopping the intake of Vitamin D3. what is worrying me is that if I would take it off that it will cause my some joint and bone pain because as I had told you earlier on my recent blogs that I did took them off for a while and so it did caused me to suffer pain again that had sacred me too.

Así que hay un problema subyacente ahora, tiene una causa y tengo la intención de resolverlo aquí y ahora. Bueno, por supuesto, eso requerirá algún tiempo para que yo sienta alguna diferencia, pero con suerte y gradualmente puedo recuperar lo que una vez perdí durante tanto tiempo. Nunca se me ocurrió que puedo tener una sobrecarga de calcio y ahora creo que estoy teniendo una sobrecarga de Calcio por eso estoy tomando Vitamina D3 que facilita a mis intestinos la absorción del Calcio. Lo que me preocupa es que si me lo quito me causará dolor en las articulaciones y en los huesos, porque como les dije antes en mis blogs recientes, me los quité por un tiempo y eso me causó dolor de nuevo, lo que me hizo sentir sagrado.



It took time for me to realize what was happening but at least maybe it is not too late to turn it to 180 degrees back to make a change about my long-lost wellness.

Tardé en darme cuenta de lo que estaba ocurriendo, pero al menos no es demasiado tarde para volver a dar un giro de 180 grados y hacer un cambio sobre mi bienestar perdido hace tiempo.

I started taking calcium because it is recommended by my Nephrologist, my Endocrinologist even told me to take it with Vitamin D. Now my Nephrologist is advising me not to take it anymore because of the risk of calcification issues which I am also experiencing right now. So instead, my Nephrologist is advising me to take "Sevelamer Carbonate" which I will have to use to control my Phosphorus levels because it is a phosphate bonder. Calcium carbonate however is a Phosphate binder too but because it is Calcium I just want to avoid it for now so that I can reach some level of equilibrium or balance in my body's system. It is because there seems to be an excess of Calcium in my blood and that is the main target that I want to solve in order for me to correct what I am experiencing with my appetite which is being so depressed that it is now had affected my weight so badly.

Empecé a tomar calcio porque me lo recomendó mi nefrólogo, mi endocrinólogo incluso me dijo que lo tomara con vitamina D. Ahora mi nefrólogo me aconseja que no lo tome más por el riesgo de problemas de calcificación que también estoy experimentando ahora. Así que en su lugar, mi nefrólogo me aconseja que tome "Carbonato de Sevelamer", que tendré que utilizar para controlar mis niveles de fósforo porque es un bonificador de fosfato. El carbonato de calcio, sin embargo, es un aglutinante de fosfato también, pero debido a que es calcio, sólo quiero evitarlo por ahora para que pueda alcanzar algún nivel de equilibrio o balance en el sistema de mi cuerpo. Es porque parece que hay un exceso de Calcio en mi sangre y ese es el objetivo principal que quiero resolver para poder corregir lo que estoy experimentando con mi apetito que está siendo tan deprimido que ahora ha afectado mucho a mi peso.



A proper balance is what I am trying to do here because of imbalance that is taking a toll on my wretched soul and this mode of solution is the key for it.

Un equilibrio adecuado es lo que estoy tratando de hacer aquí debido al desequilibrio que está haciendo mella en mi miserable alma y este modo de solución es la clave para ello.

I have found a cheaper "Sevelamer" here in a local online store in my place. It is cheaper to a greater degree compared to the one that can be bought in one of the famous drug stores in my country. It cheaper because it is made in India, could be more cheaper though if there are lots of stores that sells them. Apparently the ones that can be bought in the famous drug stores would not include those that can be bought from India. There are many drug manufacturers in India which is why they could not command a higher price with their products, it happens in any industry if there is a healthy competition which is why consumers would win because in order for a business to win, they must have a competitive edge against other competitors like a the factor of better quality or a more reasonable price.

He encontrado un "Sevelamer" más barato aquí en una tienda local en línea en mi lugar. Es más barato que el que se puede comprar en una de las famosas farmacias de mi país. Es más barato porque se hace en la India, podría ser más barato sin embargo, si hay un montón de tiendas que los vende. Aparentemente, entre los que se pueden comprar en las famosas farmacias no están los que se pueden comprar en la India. Hay muchos fabricantes de medicamentos en la India, por lo que no podrían imponer un precio más alto con sus productos, sucede en cualquier industria si hay una competencia sana, por lo que los consumidores ganarían, porque para que una empresa gane, debe tener una ventaja competitiva frente a otros competidores, como un factor de mejor calidad o un precio más razonable.



Because of the high price of Sevelamer Carbonate, any discounts pays because it will mean a large savings for my part.

Debido al elevado precio del Carbonato de Sevelamer, cualquier descuento compensa porque supondrá un gran ahorro por mi parte.

For that reason of more reasonable price, I am choosing to by that product because the Renvela ™ brand is very expensive even though I will be getting a 32% discount if I would buy it from the famous drugstore near our town. In the other hand I will get about 20% more tablets in I would buy the Indian brand even though I will not have a discount because a PHPesos 1300 bottle of Renvela only contain 25 tablets while the Indian brand has 50 tablets for the price of PHPesos 1550. They are both not cheap but having a good deal for my purchase will make a big difference on the burden of paying for this type of drug that I really needed in order to give me a better wellness which I am very optimistic of having once that this plan of action would work for me in a better way.

Por esa razón de precio más razonable, estoy eligiendo por ese producto porque la marca Renvela ™ es muy caro a pesar de que voy a estar recibiendo un descuento del 32% si lo compraría en la famosa farmacia cerca de nuestra ciudad. Por otro lado, obtendré un 20% más de tabletas si compro la marca india, aunque no tendré un descuento porque un frasco de Renvela de 1300 PHPesos sólo contiene 25 tabletas, mientras que la marca india tiene 50 tabletas por el precio de 1550 PHPesos. Ambos no son baratos, pero tener una buena oferta para mi compra hará una gran diferencia en la carga de pagar por este tipo de medicamento que realmente necesitaba con el fin de darme un mejor bienestar que soy muy optimista de tener una vez que este plan de acción funcionaría para mí de una manera mejor.



Keys to my own wellness will also unlock my wallet to go into the furnace but it will be worth it.

Las llaves de mi propio bienestar también desbloquearán mi cartera para entrar en el horno, pero valdrá la pena.

With this kind of health situation that I have, every turn of my head would mean burning money or cash and I thank God that I can afford some of my needed medicines which like this Phosphate binder plus the high flux dialyzer which cleans the blood better so I really have to spend for it because of the need for using it. If I have no means of supporting my needs I would have gone to the soil as a fertilizer many moons ago because being a dialysis patient is a "Money pit" because of its constant need to test and balance things out which now I realized that I am not really doing well in terms of being compliant because of the reason of added expense in my part. I hope that I will have a good result with what I am about to do because I want to get near a normal state of balance in my body so that for the remainder of my life it will not be as hard as this current situation that I am enduring where nothing happens but a constant hardship which my life not worth living anymore, may God help me.

Con esta situación de salud que tengo, cada giro de mi cabeza significaría quemar dinero o efectivo y doy gracias a Dios que puedo pagar algunas de mis medicinas necesarias que como este aglutinante de fosfato más el dializador de alto flujo que limpia la sangre mejor por lo que realmente tengo que gastar por ello debido a la necesidad de usarlo. Si no tuviera medios para cubrir mis necesidades, me habría ido a la tierra como abono hace muchas lunas porque ser un paciente de diálisis es un "pozo de dinero" debido a su constante necesidad de probar y equilibrar las cosas que ahora me di cuenta de que no estoy realmente bien en términos de ser obediente debido a la razón de los gastos añadidos de mi parte. Espero tener un buen resultado con lo que voy a hacer porque quiero acercarme a un estado normal de equilibrio en mi cuerpo para que el resto de mi vida no sea tan dura como esta situación actual que estoy soportando en la que no pasa nada sino una dificultad constante que mi vida ya no vale la pena vivir, que Dios me ayude.



I already had many blessing that I received but none of them would happen if they were not had been from the will of God.

Ya tuve muchas bendiciones que recibí pero ninguna de ellas sucedería si no hubieran sido de la voluntad de Dios.

With all the blessings from God and a proper resolve...



...we just have to be persistent and consistent.

Translated in Filipino [Taglish]

Isang milyong taon na ang lumipas mula nang masiyahan ako sa isang simpleng pagkain. Nakakain ako ng mas mahusay at ang mga iyon ay mula sa maraming buwan na ang nakalipas kahit na may mga simpleng pagkain, ang mga ulam ay mas masarap kahit na ang aking ina ay magsalansan ng kanin sa aking plato. Na-miss ko lang ang mga taon na iyon kahit na sinasalot ako ng sakit although siyempre mas mabuti nang walang masyadong sakit pero ang katotohanang nawalan na ako ng gana ay talagang nahirapan ako dahil hindi na ako nabubuhay, nabubuhay na lang ako. Alam nating lahat na hindi ito ang paraan na dapat mabuhay ang isang tao dahil walang saysay ang pamumuhay kung mayroon ka ay umiiral lamang at hindi tinatangkilik kahit ang mga pangunahing tungkulin ng iyong katawan. Hindi sapat na magkaroon ng mas kaunting sakit para sa akin, gusto ko lang maging normal sa mga tuntunin ng pagkakaroon ng normal na gana.

Umaasa ako na pagpalain ng Diyos ang aking plano ng pagkilos nang sa gayon ay maranasan ko man lang ang kaunting normalidad sa aking buhay na hindi kailanman nakaranas ng kagalakan at nawawala ang maraming bagay na maaari kong gawin, mga pakikipagsapalaran na dapat ay nasali ko sa aking sarili. , yung mga quality times na dapat ginawa ko kasama ng mga kaibigan at kamag-anak ko at pati na rin sa pamilya ko, yung mga bagay na mabibili ko na magagamit ko sa labas ng apat na dingding ng kwarto ko. Marami nga akong na-miss at baka ganoon din sa natitira kong pananatili dito sa balat ng lupa. Ngayon ay nami-miss ko na ang aking gana sa pagkain kaya kailangan kong sumailalim sa ilang mga pagbabago upang maranasan ko ang isang pagkakaiba at sana ay maging paborable ang mga resulta at iniisip ko rin na gagana ito.

Kaya may pinagbabatayan na problema ngayon, mayroon itong dahilan at nilayon kong lutasin ito dito mismo at ngayon. Well of course that would require some time for me to feel any difference pero sana at unti-unti akong makabalik ay minsang nawala sa napakaraming panahon ngayon. Hindi kailanman dumating sa akin na maaari akong mag-overload sa calcium at ngayon ay iniisip ko na nagkakaroon ako ng Calcium overload para sa bagay na iyon dahil umiinom ako ng Vitamin D3 na nagpapadali para sa aking bituka na mag-absorb ng Calcium. Ngayon ay magiging madali na itong lutasin sa pamamagitan lamang ng pag-alis ng Calcium sa aking diyeta pati na rin ang pagtigil sa pag-inom ng Vitamin D3. Ano ang nag-aalala sa akin ay na kung tatanggalin ko ito ay magdudulot ito ng sakit sa aking kasukasuan at buto dahil tulad ng sinabi ko sa iyo kanina sa aking kamakailang mga blog na tinanggal ko ang mga ito nang ilang sandali at ito ay naging sanhi ng pagdurusa sa akin. sakit na naman na naging sagrado rin sa akin.

Nagsimula akong uminom ng calcium dahil ito ay nirekomenda ng aking Nephrologist, sinabi pa sa akin ng aking Endocrinologist na dalhin ito kasama ng Vitamin D. Ngayon ang aking Nephrologist ay nagpapayo sa akin na huwag na itong inumin dahil sa panganib ng mga isyu sa calcification na nararanasan ko rin ngayon. Kaya sa halip, pinapayuhan ako ng aking Nephrologist na kumuha ng "Sevelamer Carbonate" na kailangan kong gamitin upang makontrol ang aking mga antas ng Phosphorus dahil ito ay isang phosphate bonder. Ang Calcium carbonate gayunpaman ay isang Phosphate binder din ngunit dahil ito ay Calcium gusto ko lang itong iwasan sa ngayon para maabot ko ang ilang antas ng equilibrium o balanse sa sistema ng aking katawan. Ito ay dahil tila mayroong labis na Kaltsyum sa aking dugo at iyon ang pangunahing target na nais kong malutas upang maitama ko ang aking nararanasan sa aking gana na labis na nalulumbay na ngayon ay nakaapekto sa aking sobrang baba na timbang.

Nakakita ako ng mas murang "Sevelamer" dito sa isang lokal na online store sa aking lugar. Mas mura ito sa mas mataas na antas kumpara sa mabibili sa isa sa mga sikat na tindahan ng gamot sa aking bansa. Ito ay mas mura dahil ito ay ginawa sa India, maaaring maging mas mura kahit na kung mayroong maraming mga tindahan na nagbebenta ng mga ito. Tila ang mga mabibili sa mga sikat na tindahan ng gamot ay hindi kasama ang mga mabibili mula sa India. Maraming gumagawa ng droga sa India kaya naman hindi sila makapag-utos ng mas mataas na presyo sa kanilang mga produkto, nangyayari ito sa anumang industriya kung mayroong malusog na kompetisyon kaya naman mananalo ang mga mamimili dahil para manalo ang isang negosyo, dapat mayroon silang isang kalamangan laban sa iba pang mga kakumpitensya tulad ng isang kadahilanan ng mas mahusay na kalidad o isang mas makatwirang presyo.

Para sa kadahilanang iyon ng mas makatwirang presyo, pinipili ko ang produktong iyon dahil ang tatak ng Renvela ™ ay napakamahal kahit na makakakuha ako ng 32% na diskwento kung bibilhin ko ito sa sikat na botika malapit sa aming bayan. Sa kabilang banda, kukuha ako ng humigit-kumulang 20% ​​na mga tablet sa I would buy the Indian brand kahit na wala akong discount dahil ang isang PHPesos 1300 na bote ng Renvela ay naglalaman lamang ng 25 tablets habang ang Indian brand ay mayroong 50 na tablet para sa presyo ng PHPesos. 1550. Pareho silang hindi mura ngunit ang pagkakaroon ng magandang deal para sa aking pagbili ay makakagawa ng malaking pagkakaiba sa pasanin ng pagbabayad para sa ganitong uri ng gamot na talagang kailangan ko upang mabigyan ako ng isang mas mahusay na kagalingan na kung saan ako ay lubos na optimistic na magkaroon ng isang beses na ang plano ng pagkilos na ito ay gagana para sa akin sa mas mabuting paraan.

Sa ganitong uri ng sitwasyong pangkalusugan na mayroon ako, ang bawat pagliko ng aking ulo ay mangangahulugan ng pagsunog ng pera o pera at nagpapasalamat ako sa Diyos na kaya kong bilhin ang ilan sa mga kailangan kong gamot na tulad nitong Phosphate binder at ang high flux dialyzer na mas naglilinis ng dugo kaya Kailangan ko talagang gumastos para dito dahil sa pangangailangan ng paggamit nito. Kung wala akong paraan para masuportahan ang aking mga pangangailangan ay napunta na sana ako sa lupa bilang isang pataba maraming buwan na ang nakalipas dahil ang pagiging isang dialysis patient ay isang "Money pit" dahil sa patuloy nitong pangangailangan na subukan at balansehin ang mga bagay na ngayon ko lang napagtanto na ako. am not really doing well in terms of being compliant because of the reason of added expense in my part. Sana ay magkaroon ako ng magandang resulta sa aking gagawin dahil gusto kong mapalapit sa normal na balanse ng aking katawan upang sa natitirang bahagi ng aking buhay ay hindi ito mahirap gaya ng kasalukuyang sitwasyon na Nagtitiis ako kung saan walang nangyayari kundi ang patuloy na paghihirap na hindi na katumbas ng buhay ko, nawa'y tulungan ako nawa ng Diyos.



I had been in this hard and treacherous path of peculiar life for so long where the danger lies in everywhere that I have to contend with every single step of the way. But I am doing what I can to reach my goal of a better life despite the realities of my unbeatable health condition.

Llevaba mucho tiempo en este duro y traicionero camino de la vida peculiar en el que el peligro está en todas partes con el que tengo que lidiar a cada paso del camino. Pero estoy haciendo lo que puedo para alcanzar mi objetivo de una vida mejor a pesar de las realidades de mi inmejorable estado de salud.

Matagal na akong nasa mahirap at taksil na landas na ito ng kakaibang buhay kung saan ang panganib ay nasa lahat ng dako na kailangan kong labanan ang bawat hakbang ng daan. Ngunit ginagawa ko ang aking makakaya upang maabot ang aking layunin ng isang mas mabuting buhay sa kabila ng mga katotohanan ng aking walang kapantay na kalagayan sa kalusugan.

Posted through the AVLE Dapp (https://avle.io)


I have been reading your blog since I came to Steemit and I think you have made a great contribution to humanity in terms of health.
I hope your plan works, I keep praying for you.

I have never taken calcium but I have taken magnesium. I understand that magnesium promotes the function of various systems in the body, in addition to contributing to the absorption of calcium from food, but also eliminates calcium that is not used.

Hi @mariita52 thank you very much for your thoughts and prayers, I really appreciate it all with my heart.

Yes I am considering magnesium for my therapy because of what you stated. However I am also considering the fact that I can also overdo it inadvertently like having too much of it in my system which I am avoiding to prevent side-effects even though the body has a high tolerance for it.

The vitamin K2 MK-7 really improved my bone health and possibly stopped the progression of my Leontiasis of the face condition because the vitamin K2 MK-7 had possibly blocked the effects of elevated levels of parathyroid hormones in my blood.

That is why I am not experiencing pain unlike before plus the bone overgrowth in my mouth and my whole face had receded a bit although my bones and joints are still weak at this point and prevents me from even walking short distances even though I can manage to walk to the bathroom and back now on my own without killing my back from pain.

Thank you again, may God always bless you.

Que estés bien. Saludos.

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