BLACK AND WHITE PHOTOGRAPHY AND ART - The stories of plants 🌵steemCreated with Sketch.

in WORLD OF XPILARlast year (edited)


My friends often revile dutch and other imported plants, which after purchase quickly die or lose their decorative appearance. And I constantly argue, because with me all the dutch plants live beautifully, develop and if they are flowering, they bloom... This is how the idea of writing a story was born: what would plants tell if they could talk...


It was a clear, sunny day. Behind the window you could see the tree on the street swaying in the wind, but on the windowsill it was warm, cozy, the sun's rays gently caressed the leaves of the plant and it fell asleep. The plant had been standing on this ledge for a long time, it did not even remember how and when it ended up here: probably, at a very young age, because otherwise it remembered everything from its past. He dreamed of a watering can watering him with fertilizer water - after such watering he always felt full and felt good. Suddenly, in his sleep, the plant heard a groan:

  • Oh, how sick I am! Oh, how terrible! Am I really going to live in such a nightmare place in the future?
  • Who are you and where are you from? – asked the plant, finally waking up and looking at the narrow pot on the windowsill, in which the new unknown creature was.
    – I'm Camellia. They just brought me from the store! It was bad in the store too, but here I can just die! It's kind of a nightmare, horrible place, my roots are frozen, my leaves are just starting to warm up, they need water and food, but my roots can't give water and food to the leaves, I just can't feel them ! I was carried from the store in the cold, and in the store I had just been watered and the wet ground almost froze on the way.
  • Nothing, you will warm up soon and our landlady is kind and lovely: she never forgets to water me, feed me, collect my dry leaves, and even makes sure that I am not attacked by pests... You will be fine here too! – the old plant looked questioningly at the newcomer. He could not possibly understand what horrors could be on his beloved window sill, where he had felt so comfortable for so many years.

– Maybe it's nice here, but the direct sun! I have never seen direct sunlight in my life, they will burn my leaves! It will blind me - I am not used to this amount of light. There, you see the farting spot in the corner of the ledge? That's where it would be best for me... Ah, if only my roots don't die, if only they will live.

The camellia fell silent, listening to something. She really looked sick: a few petals fell off, a chill was blowing from the pot.


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