The old housesteemCreated with Sketch.

in WORLD OF XPILAR2 years ago (edited)


There it is, hidden and huddled, I barely saw her, in the leaf of the lush spring beautiful it descends even more pitiful and gray. Random passers-by glance at her: how long will this ugly spot be here?! An unnecessary old woman, so soon doomed into oblivion for eternity to be drawn into… And once she was slender, a wonderful beauty, dressed in white, a true bride, like the young landlady who carefully jealously kept the hearth alive. Underage children chased each other madly, with happy voices they rang a bell the house, the yard, the wide road and far away their laughter echoed in the fields like a song. And in the evening, when it was getting close to sunset, Charo rushed down the road headlong, the owner dusty from there he met and brought to the threshold of the house with joy. And there his beloved woman was waiting for him with sparkling eyes and a shy smile, a kiss with trepidation flattered him and brought him inside with unspoken love... Human history forever locked between the walls of the old dilapidated house. For a long time no voices or footsteps have been heard, the fire in the dry sticks also went out. So it has been and so it will go, life does not forgive... human destinies, so different and colorful, but why in the end and they don't leave a trace in the dust, I don't know... The old house - here it is, tomorrow they will build a new road through it... Will any one ever remember, thus, in his haste, that the ground beneath him is a grave of human history, love experienced cremated affection?!



Wonderful photos, almost taken from an epic movie! Cheers :)

La primera fotografía parece de un cuento de hadas que lindos colores cuántas historias debe pasar el ser humano entre melancólicas y alegres todo se va en el transcurso del tiempo creamos experiencias únicas ,solo quedan recuerdos.


Todo es transitorio, pero el espíritu es eterno

Así mismo 🤗


 2 years ago 

Many thanks @ceramixer for your contribution to the contest.

The two photographs you present seem to me to be excellent, well balanced in light and with an attractive composition.

I don't know if you have confused the topic of the contest with the previous one, which was to photograph stairs, as the topic of this edition is 'doors', and in your first image there is a door, but it is far from being the protagonist.

Looking forward to see your work in the next issues.


Muchas gracias @ceramixer por tu participación.

Las dos fotografías que nos presentas me parecen excelentes, bien equilibradas de luz y con una composición atractiva.

Ignoro si has confundido el tema del concurso con el anterior, que era fotografiar escaleras, ya que el tema de la presente edición son 'puertas', y en tu primera imagen hay una puerta par no es ni mucho menos la protagonista.

Esperamos verte en las próximas ediciones.

The door is on the far side and is quite small, but it is there :)))

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