
I planted honeysuckle here too. I intend to plant berry crops once we are moved.

You should loom at buckthorn also called sea berries, it is supposed to grow where temperatures get really cold. The fruit looks kind of like cumquats, and is very high in vitamin c. It is supposed to make good juice too.

Stay warm, LOL


 3 years ago 

Yes, I have sea buckthorns. They do pretty well here.

I have a couple of goji berries. A small shrub produces a LOT of fruit.

I also have planted several varieties of Saskatoon berries. These are similar to a blueberry and the trees can grow quite large.

Almost time to harvest some rhubarb...not a berry, but it grows here. :-D

That which grows well is a treasure! I'm glad the buckthorne does well for you. I have seeds, but I need to wait until im out there to plant thrm. The deer eat Everything, LOL!

I've heard good things of the goji berries, but the saskatoon berries are new to me.

Enjoy the rhubarb!


 3 years ago 

I do not believe that Saskatoon berries will grow that far south. They grow in the wild, in my experience, in places with cold winters such as Saskatchewan and Alaska. You MIGHT know them as "juneberry" or "service berry".

here is a link about them

I have so much to plant that will grow down here, that I may have to look into this later, the berry does look interesting though. This last winter probably would have made it think that it was up north, we got down in the twenties here for a duration.

But I am going to plant the Buckthorn sea berries because I know they will grow down here. Lots of stuff to plant, and I'm a terrible farmer! Guess I'm going to have to learn to be a better one, LOL!


 3 years ago 

You need to put a minus in front of your 20s to be able to compare the temperatures. HAHA!! I am sure that you will get the hang of gardening. The trick is to be sure to plant stuff that is proven to grow well in your zone. Also a sharp hoe. Half the battle is weeding.

For us, 20 °F is cold enough, LOL!

I plan to set it up as a production line...that I know how to do. With the aquaponics systems running, there won't be any weeds; so maybe I have half the battle won already!

It won't be boring....


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