"The Coming Food Catastrophe"

in WORLD OF XPILAR2 years ago (edited)

"The Coming Food Catastrophe"

The food catastrophe that is coming, that is the title of the new cover of economic, a magazine we know belongs to the ruling elite on time, divided between the Rothschilds and Agnelli that has been characterized throughout history, predicting events that over time they were fulfilled.

Today we are being told about a possible food catastrophe that is approaching, which is really scary; have no doubt that the ruling elite is moving the levers to start once and for all the great shortages and food catastrophes.

This is one of the many things that we have been warning about for a long time now, that it would be one of the consequences, one of the plans resulting from the issue of the Chinese Virus, and I assure you that soon they could lock us all up again. by new possible variables, which could have "emerged" by people who did not lend themselves to any type of experiment.

The Economist brings us closer to the idea that this entire food catastrophe could be the consequence of the conflict that we are experiencing between Russia and Ukraine, which would apparently have consequences far beyond war, emigration and others; could directly affect the economic system as we have already seen in various cases both with the dollar and even with cryptocurrencies and all that added to the weakened food system due to the Chinese virus and others (climate change and energy shocks) we find ourselves with the possible new catastrophe that is food, which is that there will be food shortages.

This article also tells us about Ukraine's grain and seed exports which have mostly stopped and Russia's are also under threat, with the two countries together supplying 12 percent of traded calories and wheat prices falling. they were up 53% since the beginning of the year and were up another 6% on May 16.

All this after India said that it would suspend exports due to an alarming heat wave, to all this we also find ourselves with serious problems faced by farmers due to the issue of heat, drought, pests; So what are the “solutions” that the elite offers for all this?

Additionally, Mr. Antonio Gutiérrez, the Secretary General of the UN, warned on May 18 that the coming months threaten the specter of a global food shortage that could last for years; If this happens, affecting the supply chain, how do they think the world is going to continue, supermarkets are going to have shortages, there is going to be a constant civil confrontation in all countries, just to be able to feed themselves.

Almost 250 million people are on the verge of famine due to all these international conflicts that are prolonged and what will suffer the most in this case will be the children, due to stunted growth, deficiencies and more.
They cannot be ignored because we have already seen how they have analyzed and warned of other things that have later happened, that is, they are advancing part of the agenda, part of what the 2030 agenda is.

We know that for them to take absolute control of everything, first what they have to do is weaken the people, weaken the world; because a world weakened in ruins and crying out for help, and who will be there at that precise moment to give them solutions, a new world, a new order, which is what they want to establish with massive control to provide a solution to the life that they themselves have destroyed, it is understood.

It is an agenda of 10 years, it is an agenda of more years but ten specific years to make the great restart, that it be from semi-stability to total collapse, today we are at the beginning of that collapse and after being totally in the ruin and the population much more diminished, again they will begin to emerge from neither "solutions" and that everything is more or less "okay", but in those "solutions" people are going to be mostly tied to governments, governments and to the measures that they impose, as in this case it may be the issue of transgenics.

Because in the face of all these problems, the issue of drought and others with farmers and planting problems, what they are going to give as a solution are transgenics, because that makes the planting much more resistant to herbicides and much more resistant to drought,

This can be frightening, but you have to take the necessary precautions because for every problem there is a solution and all solutions are possible, simply what we need is to be prepared, to have knowledge of what can be produced in the world and with that take responsibility and plan strategies with the tools that each person may possess.





hope, world's leaders can understand now it's time to end up with putin. i don't think it's too hard task for the world to remove him forever

I don't think he will, he is one of the elites that run the wars! I fear that the world situation will worsen unfortunately!

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