Writing contest "127" based on my digital image. "A place full of mystery".(Eng-Esp).

in WORLD OF XPILARlast year
Greetings to all, the following short story was inspired by the digital art of @xpilar, from the #WORLDOFXPILAR community.

I share the link:


Digital image, by @xpilar.

A place full of mystery

My eyes could not believe what was in front of us, it was salvation, after being lost at sea for three days, it was not a mirage, it was real what we were seeing, our heart did not fit in our chest, we approached stealthily through the part where there was vegetation, the fresh atmosphere immediately wrapped us, the hope of finding people in that building invaded us.

In a loud voice, "Is anyone there?" was heard over and over again as we went deeper and deeper into the mysterious structure of strange construction, but there was no one in the place. The corridors were full of light, but a cold wind kept blowing and made us shiver, despite the clear sky, night was about to fall.

Tiredness took over our bodies, we looked for a place to sit down, but little by little we fell asleep. Surrendered with exhaustion, we didn't care about anything, just sleeping under a roof.

The next day, with clear minds we decided our destination. For the moment we are going to stay here, until we are rescued, we will look in the part where the vegetation is and we will approach the shore to fish and survive.



Lugar lleno de misterio

Mis ojos no podían creer lo que estaba frente a nosotros, era la salvación, después de estar tres días perdidos en alta mar, no era un espejismo, era real lo que estábamos viendo, el corazón no nos cabía en el pecho, nos acercamos sigilosamente por la parte donde había vegetación, el ambiente fresco nos arropó de inmediato, la esperanza de encontrar personas en dicha edificación nos invadía.

Con voz alta, ¿Hay alguien ahí?, se escuchaba una y otra vez mientras nos adentrábamos mas y mas a la estructura misteriosa y de rara construcción, pero no había nadie en el sitio. Pasillos llenos de luz pero no dejaba de soplar un viento frío que nos hacía temblar, a pesar del cielo despejado la noche estaba a punto de caer.

El cansancio se apodera de nuestros cuerpos, buscamos donde sentarnos, pero poco a poco fuimos quedándonos dormidos. Rendidos de cansancio, no nos importó nada, solo dormir bajo un techo.

Al siguiente día, con las mentes claras decidimos nuestro destino. Por el momento nos vamos a quedar aquí, hasta que nos rescaten, buscaremos en la parte donde esta la vegetación con que frutas contamos y nos acercaremos a la orilla para pescar y sobrevivir.



 last year 


 last year 

Thanks for great narration, I enjoyed it

Gracias por el apoyo. Saludos.

 last year 

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