Writing contest "124" based on my digital image. You are now the author "Penguins, the true owners of the North Pole".(Eng-Esp)

in WORLD OF XPILAR2 years ago
Greetings to all, the following short story was inspired by the digital art of @xpilar, from the #WORLDOFXPILAR community.

I share the link:


Digital image, by @xpilar.

Penguins, the true owners of the North Pole.

A family of penguins lived very quietly among the icy blocks of ice, with their slow walk around the area, these huge black and white animals, often use their flippers to swim, but did not move away from the place. From far away they look like big-bellied gentlemen with suits😂, motionless, like watchmen of the environment.

At nightfall, the penguins are frightened to see such an animal, a large whale wounded, with a shattered fin, the noise emitted by the animal was terrifying, it was a way to call for help, the whale was carried away by the current until it reached frozen waters.

Fortunately, a group of rescuers had been following the whale's trail and managed the complicated rescue of the animal.

The penguins returned to be the owners of the mountains of ice that they knew to the smallest corner, they returned to the routine of walking upright and waddling through the icy waters, as the true owners of the North Pole.



Los pingüinos, los verdaderos dueños del Polo Norte.

Una familia de pingüinos vivían de lo más tranquilos entre los helados bloques de hielo, con su lento caminar recorrían toda el área, éstos inmensos animales de color blanco y negro, en muchas oportunidades usan sus aletas para nadar, pero no se alejaban del lugar. Desde lejos parecen señores panzones con trajes😂, inmóviles, como vigilantes del ambiente.

Al llegar la noche, los pingüinos se espantan al ver semejante animal, una ballena de gran tamaño herida, con una aleta destrozada, el ruido que emitía el animal era aterrador, era una forma de pedir auxilio, la ballena se dejó llevar por la corriente hasta llegar a aguas congeladas.

Por fortuna, un grupo de rescatistas le venían siguiendo la pista a la ballena, lograron el complicado rescate del animal.

Los pingüinos volvieron a ser los dueños de las montañas de hielo que conocían hasta el mas mínimo rincón, volvieron a la rutina de caminar erguidos y contoneándose por las heladas aguas, como los verdaderos dueños del polo norte.



 2 years ago 

Thanks for the great story, reward comes from our trail

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World of Xpilar Community Curation Trail

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Hola, amiga @blanca56. Disculpe. En el polo norte no hay pingüinos. Ellos son del polo sur. Lo puedes arreglar fácilmente. Saludos.

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