Digital image for the day is made according to my own imagination and thoughts (competition 117). SECRET BASE.(Eng-Esp)

in WORLD OF XPILAR2 years ago
Again the friend @xpilar from the #WORLDOFXPILAR community, invites us to create stories based on digital art, here my participation.

Contest image, courtesy of @xpilar


The enemy side, whose objective was to cause damage to the opposing side, never imagined that under the sea there was a secret base that functioned normally, that is to say, that all the movements of the enemy side were monitored in the secret base.

The men at the secret base were trained to perform at their best in any eventuality. They were also trained to operate the high-tech equipment present at the base.

As expected, the secret base, located under the sea, was a huge capsule, with many spaces equipped with devices that read even the smallest of movements. Some state of the art radars that could pick up the voices of the enemy side, and thus be aware of the maneuvers of the opponents. All this led them to plan the advance strategy.

So they had the aircraft to execute the operation to capture the strong man of the enemy side, successfully achieving this event, a positive outcome, i.e., the withdrawal of the enemy side. The threat had been stopped thanks to the intervention of the men from the secret base.

En Español


Nunca se imaginaron los del bando enemigo, cuyo objetivo era causar daños a los contrarios, que debajo del mar había una base secreta que funcionaba con toda normalidad, es decir, que todos los movimientos del bando enemigo eran monitoreados en la base secreta.

Los hombres de la base secreta estaban entrenados para rendir al máximo ante cualquier eventualidad. Ademas estaban capacitados para operar con equipos de alta tecnología presentes en la base.

Como era de esperarse la base secreta, estaba debajo del mar, era una enorme cápsula, con muchos espacios provistos de dispositivos que leían hasta el mas mínimo de los movimientos. Unos radales de última generación que podían captar las voces del bando enemigo, y así estar al tanto de las maniobras de los contrarios. Todo esto los llevaban a planificar la estrategia de avance.

Por lo que dispusieron del avión para ejecutar la operación de capturar al hombre fuerte del bando enemigo, logrando con éxito dicho evento, una salida positiva, es decir, la retirada del bando enemigo. La amenaza se había detenido gracias a la intervención de los hombres de la base secreta.


Interesante historia amiga de esa base secreta capaz de detener una gran guerra. Suerte

Gracias amigo @betop. Saludos.

 2 years ago 

thanks for the great story @blanca56

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