PORTRAIT PHOTOGRAPHY AND ART CONTEST WEEK # 066 Woman walking down city boulevard in graphite pencils

in WORLD OF XPILAR3 years ago (edited)
A big greeting to all, today I join the contest of my friend @axeman, PORTRAIT PHOTOGRAPHY AND ART CONTEST WEEK # 066 - - perform various color and negative photo effects to give a more in-depth study to the work.


Un gran saludo a todos, hoy me integro al concurso del amigo @axeman, PORTRAIT PHOTOGRAPHY AND ART CONTEST WEEK #066 - -.

Thank you friends for your great support and for your time, I say goodbye with this thought that makes us grow more every day.

Gracias amigos por su gran apoyo y por su tiempo, me despido con este pensamiento que nos hace crecer cada día mas.

As you practice to perfection, I can't stop progressing; every drawing that one makes, every study that one paints, is a step forward

A medida que prácticas vas a la perfección, no se puede dejar de progresar, cada dibujo que uno hace, cada estudio que uno pinta, es un paso adelante

Vincent Van Gogh.


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