@ Concurso de fotografía - Art-Venture: “Hallowen"

in WORLD OF XPILAR4 years ago
Hola amigos de "steemit", cada vez que encuentro las actividades de "worldofpilar" quiero participar, @arte-aventura, nos invita a este concurso especial de fotografía, con tema de "Halloowen", en mi presentación realice una "Calabaza Demoníaca", aquí voy con los pasos a pasos, para poder capturar estas fotografías.

Hello friends of "steemit", every time I find the activities of "worldofpilar" I want to participate, @ arte-adventure, invites us to this special photography contest, with the theme of "Halloowen", in my presentation I made a "Demonic Pumpkin" , here I go with the steps by steps, to be able to capture these photographs.

Calabaza Demoniaca

Para poder capturar esta imagen tuve que realizar mi calabaza desde cero, fui al mercado y tuve que escoger entre muchas de ellas, la perfecta para mi plan, luego dibuje sus ojos misteriosos y su boca terrorífica con un marcador negro, con un cuchillo de sierra fui cortando poco a poco, al tener todo listo, busque los fósforos y encendí la mecha de la vela, me coloque mis lentes para poder ver bien los detalles de luces y sombras y por ultimo mi cámara fotográfica marca panasonic modelo Lumix "DMC - F2".

To be able to capture this image I had to make my pumpkin from scratch, I went to the market and had to choose between many of them, the perfect one for my plan, then I drew its mysterious eyes and its terrifying mouth with a black marker, with a serrated knife. I was cutting little by little, when I had everything ready, I looked for the matches and lit the wick of the candle, I put on my glasses to be able to see well the details of lights and shadows and finally my camera makes panasonic model Lumix "DMC - F2 "

Procedí a sacarle el extracto de semillas y fibras que tiene internamente la calabaza, para eso le hice una perforación usando el cuchillo en la superficie superior, luego perfore con cuidado los ojos y la boca dentada, poco a poco fue tomando la forma que quería darle.

I proceeded to extract the extract of seeds and fibers that the pumpkin has internally, for that I made a hole using the knife on the upper surface, then carefully pierce the eyes and the toothed mouth, little by little it took the shape I wanted to give it .

Luego de tener los elementos para poder capturar mi fotografía para "Hallowen", encendí la vela y la introduje dentro de la calabaza, apague la luz principal, comencé a tomar fotografías desde varios ángulos, fui graduando la luz principal, para poder ver los diferentes tonos de luces y sombras.

After having the elements to be able to capture my photograph for "Hallowen", I lit the candle and inserted it inside the pumpkin, I turned off the main light, I began to take pictures from various angles, I graduated the main light, to be able to see the different shades of light and shadow.

Yo con la calabaza demoníaca


Todas las fotografías pertenecen a @betzaelcorvo, realizadas por cámara marca Panasonic modelo Lumix - "DMC - F2"


 4 years ago 

Excelente @betzaelcorvo.

Muy buen trabajo.

Suerte en el concurso

gracias amigo por tu gran apoyo saludos

Thank you very much for your great post and I really enjoyed your work. That might be difficult to cut out the eyes and mouth as normally pumpkin has such thick skin.

The final composition looks very Halloween fit :)

thank you friend for your support you are right it was not easy to cut this pumpkin but this activity was interesting the result of the photographs I took were excellent greetings friend and thank you for being active in art

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