More clearing and just one more new tool...

in WORLD OF XPILAR2 years ago

More clearing and just one more new tool... .jpg

A bit more clearing this past week... this time in the front area to unclutter the path that leads to the front door. This area has been weeded recently, and so much of the shrubs needed to have all the dead wood removed and the interfering branches removed. The leaves will still need to be taken out, but the soil underneath is good and so it won't need to be turned.

The leaves will still need to be thinned out before putting down the cardboard and tree mulch... I'm starting to really consider putting some space aside somewhere to start a compost pile... leaves, clippings, food waste, and all of that sort of thing.

The rock border will also need to be redone to keep the mulch in the garden area, and later down the track... I should probably level the path so that visitors don't trip.

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Meanwhile, the gum trees have been shedding their bark... leading to many long strips of dead bark hanging from the the various branches which leads to a pretty messy look. I'm able to grab many of the low hanging ones by jumping.. or with various poles and sticks! I've seemed to accumulate quite a few of those!

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So, this is the bark debris from just one tree... much of it was already on the ground in a large pile, but many of the longer strips were from the low boughs of the tree and surrounding plants.

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... and this is the shredding pile for the following week. The product of which will be added to the mulch that is going down all around the place. We are making quite good progress with the mulching at the moment... we are actually running low on the woodchips! However, in a couple of weeks, we are having two more trees taken down... which will give us more than enough woodchips to finish of most of the remaining land.

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This is the new tool that has incredibly increased our mulching efficiency! Previously, I was just using a regular pitchfork... but this mulching fork was recommended by the arborist and also by a couple of friends over drinks. So, for about 50 AUD, I figured I might just give it a try... how much better could it be?

.... and actually, I was quite surprised. Yet again, the right tool for the right job! With this mulching fork, I fill the wheelbarrow in about 4-5 scoops... as apposed to about 20-25 from the regular pitchfork. In half an hour, I mulch the same as what would have taken about 60-90 minutes! Damn... I wish I had this a long time before!

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Meanwhile, my oldest daughter's flowers have been producing some really nice little blooms... tiny, but in lovely colours and delicate spreads. But I'm still removing the mushrooms every other day... it is a bit humid, and I'm pretty sure that I will be doing quite often as the spores seem to be solidly in the potting mix.

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