Yellow Submarine (by Yefim Nikonov)

in WORLD OF XPILARlast year (edited)


Я не думаю, что The Beatles имели в виду именно эту лодку... но это тоже жёлтая подводная лодка.Правда, деревянный корпус потемнел от осадков и времени и это сооружение называют "Потаённое судно Ефима Никонова".

I don't think The Beatles had this particular boat in mind... but this is also a yellow submarine.However, the wooden hull has darkened from precipitation and time, and this structure is called "The Hidden Vessel of Yefim Nikonov".


К сожалению, в таком открытом виде я его не застал. Сейчас оно спрятано под уродливой конструкцией, которая призвана защитить его он солнца и осадков. Я понимаю эту необходимость... но мне от этого не легче.

Unfortunately, I did not find him in such an open form. Now it is hidden under an ugly structure that is designed to protect it from the sun and precipitation. I understand this need... but it doesn't make me feel any better.


В нескольких фотографиях я покажу, как это выглядит сейчас.

In a few photos I will show how it looks now.



The engraving mounted on a large stone depicts the first test of this submarine in 1721 in the presence of Emperor Peter 1.

Boards, iron strips, copper sheets, leather and other materials were used for the construction of the "Hidden Vessel"[1].
Nikonov was the commander of a crew of four (according to other sources — of eight) people, trial dives were carried out under his leadership.
The first tests of the ship, in the presence of Peter I, took place in the autumn of 1724 and ended in an accident: when hitting the ground, the bottom of the ship was broken...
...Nikonov, despite the failures, "proved the possibility of scuba diving in action: in the summer of 1721, Yefim on his "model ship" still made two successful dives and ascents on the Neva"



All photos are clickable, I recommend turning on night mode for viewing

Все фотографии кликабельны, для просмотра рекомендую включить ночной режим.

CameraSony A7М2
Post-productionin LR

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Тhis is clearly the prototype of today's modern submarines. Interesting how people have dealt with oxygen, orientation and communications.

 last year 

Now it's all pretty simple, but at that time... I assume that the air was initially supplied from the surface via hoses. But this is just my guess))

P.S. Are you related to the names Efim and Efimov?

 last year 

Good question, the answer to it is in my mailbox :))

 last year 

This is funny :o)
Like taken from a fantasy computer game.

 last year 

the virtual world only repeats the real one and vice versa... what kind of world do we live in? 🤣😂 😅

 last year 

Are you asking me? I have no clue...
For some reason it was more clear when I was young. Now, instead of knowing more, I do not understand anything.

 last year 

when you're young, the world seems much simpler, you just don't have time to think about it))

 last year 


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