The first snow

in WORLD OF XPILAR2 years ago

Привет/Hello/Servus/Saludo, друзья

Добрый вечер

It's not winter yet and this first snow is likely to disappear. But he definitely lasted one day. I even managed to go outside and capture this historic moment. Yes, the view from the window is able to tear the fifth point from the chair...

Mr. Helios helped me as much as he could. There are no impressive landscapes near the house. But there are a lot of "close-ups". There is still very little snow and it is interestingly combined with greenery (summer), gold (autumn) and with itself (winter). We can assume that three seasons have met. However, looking into a puddle, you can imagine an early spring. Why not.

The sixth day of November or the first day of winter? And what difference does it make, time is continuous, we are used to sharing everything. We move from the whole to the particular. Isn't this the mistake of the vector of development of our civilization?..







Это ещё не зима и этот первый снег скорее всего исчезнет. Но один день он точно продержался. Я даже успел выйти на улицу и запечатлеть этот исторический момент. Да, вид из окна способен оторвать пятую точку от кресла...

Мистер Гелиос помогал мне как мог. Рядом с домом нет впечатляющих пейзажей. Но зато есть масса "крупных планов". Снега ещё совсем мало и он интересно сочетается с зеленю (лето), золотом (осень) и с самим собой (зима). Можно предположить, что встретились три времени года. Впрочем, глядя в лужу можно представить себе раннюю весну. Почему бы и нет.

Шестой день ноября или первый день зимы? А какая разница, время непрерывно, это мы привыкли всё делить. От целого переходим к частному. Не в этом ли ошибка вектора развития нашей цивилизации...

100% SP (manual translation to SP)


The time has come to build our own steem power

CameraSony A7М2
Post-productionin LR

Manual processing in Lightroom

Unless otherwise specified, text and photos are copyright



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Regards, @bambuka


I can not wait :)
It's beautiful!

 2 years ago 

Nice philosophical considerations about time friend. The time also depends on the observer.
Snow is beautiful if you can see it in a warm place through a window.

 2 years ago 

We had a blizzard, but my view is not as impressive. :-D

Oh! That’s the sign of drastic changes are coming soon!
Keep warm and store some food!

 2 years ago 

The only supplies for the winter... this is a certain amount of dried mushrooms :)
The rest is in stores.
Have a good week to you :)

Lucky you! You could collect lots of edible mushrooms!!

 2 years ago 

Not as much as I would like, but quite enough.
The summer was too dry.

I would like to grow some mushrooms one day.

 2 years ago 

If you want, you can buy the mycelium of some mushroom online and try to grow it :)

Yup! I might try that one day! You’ll need a dark room for that too!

 2 years ago 

You can use a basement, an attic or a large box in the room, if space allows)

4 сезона сошлись, любопытное наблюдение. Мне понравился общий вид, похож на разлившееся молоко.

 2 years ago 

О, это обездвиженные белые мухи и сегодня они стали водой и ушли в землю ))

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