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RE: Imperfections are beautiful!

in WORLD OF XPILAR6 days ago

I'll tell you one thing that will cheer you up))
When trying to make something perfect, people see too much sense in symmetry. Facial symmetry, for example. Like a doll or like a retouched photo from a glossy cover.

However... a person's face SHOULD be devoid of symmetry. This is the law of human development. And it was found that the more symmetrical the face, the less developed the person is.
Long live imperfections!

Я скажу тебе одну вещь, которая тебя приободрит ))
Пытаясь сделать что-то совершенное, люди видят слишком много смысла в симметрии. Симметрия лица, например. КАк у куклы или как на отретушированной фотографии с глянцевой обложки.

Однако ... лицо человека ДОЛЖНО быть лишённым симметрии. Это закон развития человека. И было установлено, что чем более симметричное лицо, тем человек менее развит.
Да здравствуют несовершенства!

 5 days ago 

Your thinking is always "out of the box"...

Actually, a whole booklet should be compiled from our interactions. I have learned to look at things from different perspectives through our dialogues. You are radically honest in your views and boldly own them. You have that stubbornness in believing that your view is the right one, a quality that's rare nowadays.

So yeah, you are you... And you are beautiful!

 5 days ago 

🤣😂 😅
Actually, I do not know how good my "stubbornness" is.

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