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RE: Photo contest #5 by bambuka

in WORLD OF XPILAR2 years ago (edited)

"Golden cage for dreams"
"Castle of Illusions"
"Prison of desires"........
It's good that you left a loophole in this golden fence, it gives hope

But it is possible that this fence and the bars on the windows have another function ...
You can not let out, and you can not let in...there is something to think about here))

"Золотая клетка для мечты"
"Замок иллюзий"
"Тюрьма желаний"........
Хорошо, что ты оставил лазейку в этом золотом заборе, это даёт надежду

Но возможно, что у этого забора и решёток на окнах есть ещё и другая функция...
Можно не выпускать наружу, а можно не впускать внутрь...здесь есть над чем подумать ))


there is something to think about here

Apparently :-)

I don't really know what you mean by mono. I have two translations here, one is mono/stereo and the other is glandular fever "Моно, коклюш, ядовитый плющ, или как его."

And then there is Momo by Michael Ende. Do you know the story of Momo? I'm sure there are people living in this castle who smoke cigars and steal our time ;-)

 2 years ago 

I made a typo when writing the word "possible" (моЖно - моно), I missed one letter... and the translator obediently did his job as best he could :)

I'm sure there are people living in this castle who smoke cigars and steal our time ;-)

I think you're damn right... :)

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