Playing photographer in old Vyborg

in WORLD OF XPILAR2 years ago

According to the terms of the contest "Playing photographer #1" from dear @adeljose, three photos are provided for the contest. I think it won't be a big violation if there are more photos, not less than three.
As a last resort, I will edit the post if I receive objections.

All these shots were taken in old Vyborg this summer about a month ago. Half of them are made in one of the quiet courtyards, which can be accessed from the Fortress Street through the gateway. You can see this gateway in the first and second photos.

Can you ask me a reasonable question, what is depicted in 4 photos (I think that everything is clear about the third one)?
You won't believe it, but this...entrance to the underground part of the city. Yes, friends, the old part of Vyborg is on a hill. Maybe it's a rock (there are a lot of rocks here), but somehow there are several floors of the city inside this hill, maybe just one floor, I don't know for sure. I was able to look through a narrow crack between the bars. You can see here a fragment of a stone vault that goes deep into the hill/cliff.

In the 5th photo, I was attracted to a bride in a white dress against a background of brick walls. There are several contrasts here at once. If I have to delete part of the photo, I will definitely leave this one untouched.

6 photos taken directly from the arch. It was the day of the Baltic Rally and there were a lot of bikers in the city. I couldn't let this guy go just like that.

And finally, the descent from the hill. This street could be purely pedestrian, but it is not. Cars pass here periodically. And in the old days there was a tram running here. This street leads to the Vyborg Fortress.








По условиям конкурса "Playing photographer #1" от уважаемого @adeljose на конкурс предоставляются три фотографии. Думаю, что не будет большим нарушением, если фотографий будет больше, а не меньше трёх.
В крайнем случае я отредактирую пост, если получу возражения.

Все эти кадры сделаны в старом Выборге этим летом примерно месяц назад. Половина из них сделана в одном из тихих двориков, куда можно попасть с Крепостной улицы через подворотню. Эту подворотню вы видите на первом и втором фото.

Вы можете задать мне резонный вопрос, что изображено на 4 фото (думаю, что про третье всё понятно)?
Вы не поверите, но это...вход в подземную часть города. Да, друзья, старая часть Выборга находится на холме. Возможно это скала (здесь много скал), но так или иначе внутри этого холма существует несколько этажей города, может быть всего один этаж, я этого точно не знаю. Я смог заглянуть в узкую щель между прутьями решётки. Вы можете здесь видеть фрагмент каменного свода, который уходит вглубь холма/скалы.

На 5 фото меня привлекла невеста в белом платье на фоне кирпичных стен. Здесь присутствует сразу несколько контрастов. Если мне придётся удалять часть фото, эту я точно оставлю нетронутой.

6 фото сделано прямо из арки. Это был день Балтийского ралли и в городе было много байкеров. Я не мог отпустить этого парня просто так.

И, наконец, спуск с холма. Эта улочка могла бы быть и чисто пешеходной, но это не так. Периодически здесь проезжают автомобили. А в былые времена здесь ходил трамвай. Эта улица ведёт к Выборгской крепости.

100% SP (manual translation to SP)


The time has come to build our own steem power

CameraSony A7М2
LensSamyang 35 1,4
Post-productionin LR

Manual processing in Lightroom

Unless otherwise specified, text and photos are copyright



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Regards, @bambuka

 2 years ago 

Greetings my friend @bambuka

I find the entrance to Vyborg very interesting, it looks like a portal to a new world, it has caused some curiosity as to what might be among the rocks. Yes, it is true, you got very well the photo where the bride appears.

Thanks for your support my friend.

 2 years ago 

Glad to see you friend @adeljose and thank you for your kind words!

You're right, Vyborg looks like another lost world.
Thank you for a new interesting contest. I hope there will be many participants.

Hello @bambuka, there are areas of Colombia that have structures and infrastructure similar to what you share in your photos. That has a colonial feel to it. Very nice photos, I like to see that regardless of where in the world we are we can always find points of convergence between us and our spaces.

 2 years ago 

Hello @josevas217, I'll tell you more. Similar architecture is found on any of the continents of the earth. It says only one thing, we don't know our history. Apparently, once the whole earth was a common home without states and borders.
Something happened to us and it's sad...

A Common Home, that sounds so good it seems utopian. Excellent reflection you have made in those few words. Thank you for that.

 2 years ago 

Do you remember the parable about the construction of the Tower of Babel? That's what she's talking about.
And now history is repeating itself more and more, instead of uniting, we are separating and bickering

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