Daybook 26 ноября 2003: Russian Winter: the beginning / Русская зима: начало

in WORLD OF XPILAR7 months ago

English version below

Привет, друзья!

Сегодня я забросил игры с камерой и просто взял её с собой на улицу. Как оказалось, я не делал этого слишком давно. Так давно, что даже началась зима.

Не говори мне, что я сошёл с ума и на дворе ещё ноябрь, осень. На моём дворе настоящая зима. Снег, лёд, мороз... что ещё нужно для доказательства? А, я понял, вам нужна фотохроника. "Их есть у меня" (с)

И не говорите, что снега ещё мало. Его уже убирают тракторами.




Кое что можно показать и в цвете, это зимующий шиповник.


Мой пруд уже покрылся прочным льдом, следами лыж и коньков и просто людьми.


Вода ещё сопротивляется, здесь есть родник и под землёй ещё достаточно тепло.


Краски осени ещё борются с белизной снега, но их борьба бесполезна, они обречены.




Камыш знает это лучше всех...



Hello, friends!

Today I gave up playing with the camera and just took it outside with me. As it turns out, I haven't done this for too long. So long ago that winter even began.

Don't tell me I'm crazy and it's still November, autumn. It's a real winter in my yard. Snow, ice, frost... what else is needed to prove? Ah, I get it, you need a photo chronicle. "I have them" (c)

And don't say that there isn't enough snow yet. It is already being removed by tractors.




Something can also be shown in color, this is a wintering rosehip.


My pond is already covered with solid ice, traces of skis and skates and just people.


The water is still resisting, there is a spring here and it is still warm enough underground.


The colors of autumn are still struggling with the whiteness of snow, but their struggle is useless, they are doomed.




The Reed knows this better than anyone...


All photos are clickable, I recommend turning on night mode for viewing

Все фотографии кликабельны, для просмотра рекомендую включить ночной режим.

Unless otherwise specified, text and photos are copyright


100% SP - manual translation to SP( except for the prize fund #photo-process)




This post has been supported through the account Steemcurator06 for containing good quality content.

Curated by : @pelon53

 7 months ago 

Glad to see you @pelon53
Thanks for stopping by and support :-)

It is obvious that winter has come to you. I think the most conclusive proof is the frozen pond.
Where I live, further south, winter is ticking, but I don't think it will come this year.

 7 months ago 

Our winter may give way... it happens sometimes :-))
But the beginning is very serious.

I wish you a beautiful winter!

 7 months ago 

Thanks 🖐 😊👌

Congratulations, your post is upvoted by CCS curation trail from CCS - A community by witness @visionaer3003.


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 7 months ago 


Да уж, началось так началось....теперь до апреля))

 7 months ago 

вот и не факт) в Питере может всё в пару дней потаять)

а зачем дубли фото?

 7 months ago 

это дубли вариантов поста. Если дублировать только текст, то он должен быть компактно до фото или после. А тут текст есть у каждого фото. Хочешь русский вариант смотри, хочешь - листай до английского. Справедливо)

бедные ноды....

 7 months ago 

переживут, это всего лишь один пост.
Грузил я посты и с 3 десятками фото.

 7 months ago 


I always wonder, how do you people survive this much cold...


This is winter at my place right now. Just the right temperature to live ☺️. It will get to some 3-4 degree Celsius in January, maybe, which is the coldest for us. But summers here are another story. I keep checking my weather app daily as if by doing so, the summer will be over sooner than later. The temperature may rise to 40-45 degree Celsius (~114 Fahrenheit).
I then find solace in the wintry scenes captured in pictures like your. And start nagging my husband to take me to the mountains. 😂

Lovely pictures as always!

 7 months ago 

Heh... we not only survive, we also sometimes rejoice in such cold weather (but not often :)
-20 -40C is the normal temperature for our winter. It also happens below.
I just need a warm house and good clothes for the season))
I don't have mountains nearby... and palm trees don't grow))

 7 months ago 

Brrrrrrrr 🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶

We used to hear from our elders during our childhood that Russia was very cold. If I wore too many warm clothes, my brother would say, "Are you going to Russia?" or "Do you live in Russia?" 😂🤣

 7 months ago 

🤣 😂😅

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