My Gaming Hobby

in WORLD OF XPILAR3 months ago

Red and White Modern Master Gaming Youtube Channel Art.jpg

Gaming as a hobby has garnered a lot of attention in recent days with the formation of various GAMING ORGS as well as the advent of 5G has given a lot of opportunities to Gamers to be recognized in this space and I am very happy about this but that being said it wasn't so good when I was starting my Hobby as a Gamer. I still remember it vividly when I used to sneak into Gaming Cafes as Gaming at that time was considered a Bad thing and I used to get a lot of scolding from my parents for doing so.

Even though I was receiving a lot of scolding I still used to game a lot but things became a little bad when it started to become an addiction and I was literally stealing money from my dad's wallet to play in Gaming Cafes. But thanks to my awesome Parents I quickly got over that addiction and now I play games only on my PC which I bought by saving Money for a long time.

As for the games I am currently playing there are only two of them and the first one is VALORANT


Valorant is a First person shooter game with unique Agents that make this game differ from several other FPS games. This is a game where 5 people go against 5 other people which is similar to a bunch of other games but since there are a lot of Agents to choose from the match turns out in the favour of which team utilises their Agents the most, and I am kind of an OK player in this game where I have reached the Rank of ASCENDANT quite a few times.

Apart from VALORANT there is one more game that I frequently play and that is APEX LEGENDS.


Apex Legends is a free to play battle royale game with almost the same Agent based characters as Valorant but with a huge difference of this being a battle royale gameplay where only one team wins at the end of a Free for All Game with a closing Circle. There are a lot of characters in the game with unique abilities but I love to use FUSE as I love his Grenadier Gameplay.

If I have to summarise my experience with Gaming I might say that even though I have played different types of games but currently I am digging the Ability based Characters and any game that has this feature I am all up for playing that Gane.

So have you any Game to suggest me that I can tryout?


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