Fields and hills - Campos y colinas

in WORLD OF XPILARlast year



I walked in the warm morning light looking for that cottage among fields and hills of scrubland and small holm oaks. I made my way through the thickets of hawthorns, junipers and kermes oaks while I enjoyed the caress of the gentle breeze on my face, the scent of rockroses and rosemary and the melody of birdsong. In that solitude, in complete harmony with nature, I felt calm and serene again, as if I were at home again.


Caminaba a la tibia luz de la mañana buscando aquella cabaña entre campos y colinas de monte bajo, de chaparrales y pequeñas encinas. Me hacía camino entre los matorrales de espinos, enebros y coscoja mientras me deleitaba con la caricia de la suave brisa en el rostro, el aroma de las jaras y romeros y la melodía del canto de las aves. En mitad de aquellas soledades, en plena armonía con la naturaleza, me volvía a sentir tranquilo y sereno, como si estuviese de nuevo en casa.

Some details of the painting





 last year 

I really like it!

What I can feel when I look at your painting is the warm spring day, the fields are ready for the first planting. The greens of trees are light suggesting new leaves and warm colours give an impression of spring.

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