Photo of the week #40 - St. Peter's Square, or Piazza San Pietro (ital. Piazza San Pietro)

in WORLD OF XPILAR3 years ago

This is my post for the Photo of the week #40 by @mister-omortson.


Italy, or rather the Vatican. I visited it at the end of 2019, just before Christmas.
This is St. Peter's Square. The photo was taken from the Rue de la Concorde, which leads to the Castel Sant'Angelo.
It's a beautiful place, especially on Christmas Eve.
There is an interesting place there - a small shop where you can send a postcard anywhere in the world. My friends and I sent it to ourselves. And the card came to my house. However, it went on for a long time. But judging by the stamps, it was on the territory of the Russian Federation that it went for a long time.

The shop is on the left hand side.

I would like to go there again. But not as part of a tour group, but with your family. To walk there without hurrying anywhere, to sit, to breathe this air.

Спасибо за внимание.

Всем желаю удачи!
И рад буду снова Вашему вниманию к моим постам.

 3 years ago 

Очень красиво!

Хорошо в Италии... Глядя на сосны я всё думал о книжке про Буратино :) в детстве были там такие картинки - Буратино на сосне и в руках большая шашка.

в этом посте лично меня тронуло до глубины души - обалденно горячее внимание буминга к однокартиночному посту, прям не на шутку возбудился, а сразу на апвоут! вот это я понимаю - любовь к Италии.

ЭЭЭ... я пока не понял о чем ты. Но ща узнаю. :)

хороший буминг :)

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