Walker and destiny. Prose poem. [ENG / ESP].

in WORLD OF XPILAR10 months ago


Greetings to the entire Steemit community

Dear community, I invite you to read my poem today / Apreciada comunidad te invito a leer mi poema de hoy.




I love many, I love, feel and love again.

I give myself to no one, I am neither property nor owner.

The days go by and I continue marking the indifference of doubt,
the absences are marked on my skin.

She waits for me panting, there are ups and downs, waiting and forgetting.

Several calendars have fallen.

Trees have fallen and in the hermitages new prayers have been added,
youthful faces of white souls,
souls at last all, fragmented flavor to a new time.

After making mistakes in a thousand bodies, mine is waiting, anxious, latent?

At last a new being arrives, lover, beloved.

I am the waiting made man.

I am me, I wait, I walk, flesh and soul mingle in my waiting, I go, drawing faces with the soul.




Quiero a muchos, amo, siento y vuelvo a amar.

No me entrego a nadie, no soy propiedad, ni propietario.

Los días pasan y yo sigo marcando la indiferencia de la duda,
me quedan marcadas en la piel las ausencias.

Ella me espera jadeante, hay subidas y bajadas, esperas y olvido.

Varios calendarios han caido.

Han caído árboles y en las ermitas se han sumado nuevas oraciones,
rostros juveniles de almas blancas,
almas al fin todas, sabor fragmentado a un tiempo nuevo.

Despues de equivocarnos en mil cuerpos, el mío está a la espera, ansioso, latente...

Al fin un nuevo ser que llega, amante, amada.

Soy la espera hecha hombre.

Soy yo, espero, camino, carne y alma, se confunden en mi espera, voy, dibujando rostros con el alma.


The images illustrating this poem have been digitized with the PicsArt Pro application and are property of the artist and author.

My poetry is not based on any rule, in fact I have never studied forms of poetic expression, I only express my feelings, my experience and what I see and in my daily walk, I relate what I write with my pictorial work and I think that life without creation is a very simple life, art in all its expressions is a form of encouragement, a food for the soul every day.


Antonio Evies, Venezuelan painter, sculptor, writer, poet and crypto-artist, university professor, researcher of new plastic languages and advisor to the project. Art for all.


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