Everything remains the same. Prose poem [ENG / ESP].

in WORLD OF XPILAR10 months ago


Greetings to the entire Steemit community

Dear community, I invite you to read my poem today / Apreciada comunidad te invito a leer mi poema de hoy.



Everything remains the same,
the singing of the birds, the sound of the cicadas, the evenings...

The sound of the wind...

There is no desire to change, the absence of the faces, forces fear to come,
a bitter taste slows the heart.

I see the light, razor and sting to the glance,
the old bed reminds me of other rooms,
another time and a single melted skin.

The silence with its transparent color,
the leaden evening sky, everything remains the same...nothing new in the south.

...everything so simple:
no new scars, no new times,
midnight blurred, dawn without the sun's eye,
nothing new in the abyss of the hours



Todo sigue igual,
el cantar de los pájaros, el sonido de las cigarras, las tardes...

El sonido del viento...

No hay deseo de cambiar, la ausencia de los rostros, obliga al miedo a venir,
un sabor amargo hace lento el corazón.

Veo la luz, navaja y aguijon a la mirada,
la vieja cama me recuerda otras estancias,
otro tiempo y una sola piel fundida.

El silencio con su color transparente,
el cielo plomizo de la tarde, todo sigue igual...nada nuevo en el sur.

...todo tan sencillo:
sin nuevas cicatrices, sin nuevos tiempos,
medianoche difusa, amanecer sin ojo de sol,
nada nuevo en el abismo de las horas

The images that illustrate this poetic text are free to use, they are taken from PIXABAY

My poetry is not based on any rule, in fact I have never studied forms of poetic expression, I only express my feelings, my experience and what I see and in my daily walk, I relate what I write with my pictorial work and I think that life without creation is a very simple life, art in all its expressions is a form of encouragement, a food for the soul every day.


Antonio Evies, Venezuelan painter, sculptor, writer, poet and crypto-artist, university professor, researcher of new plastic languages and advisor to the project. Art for all.


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