Bougainvillea glabra Paper Flower or Bougainvillea. the beauty of the tropical world

in WORLD OF XPILAR3 years ago


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Bougainvillea the Paper flowers (Paper flowers) a tree plant scientific name Bougainvillea glabra is a plant from the family Nyctaginaceae which is a thorny plant that always looks green and varies in the habits of this flower tree. Being a climbing shrub it can produce stems up to 7 meters in height or more.


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When in the form of a tree this plant has a very dense and beautiful ellipsoid flower crown.


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This flower is very easy to find around us. Because it is very easy to grow, especially in areas with a cool climate.


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Flowers are a lot of color variations, and can be easily combined when mated. The roof does the sticking of the rods.


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ModelRealme 3 pro


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