The journey of everyday life

Sohail is an ordinary young man. Her day starts in the morning when she wakes up like a rose and makes tea first. I have to go to the office after pushing through the traffic jam in the city. This daily journey makes him tired sometimes, but he knows, this part of life is very important.
All his colleagues in the office are busy. Some are working, and some are on a tea break. Sohail sometimes thinks, about how easily we lose the small moments of our lives. A relaxed tea break, a laugh with a friend What else is done?
One day, while sitting in the office, Dohail looked at his colleagues and thought, How many things do we do every day? But is there any joy in there any joy in these small daily things? Just then, he remembered his childhood.
As a child, Sohail and his friends used to play football in the afternoon. Those happy moments reminded him of the true beauty of life. Since then, Sohail has started getting together with his friends every day after work.
In the evening, they used to play together on the field. Those little moments came back to life again. Sohail realized that the real joy of life is in these little moments. Now Sohail tries to keep those memories alive in his daily work. He wants to not lose these small moments of real life.
Touching everyday life like this is real. Just as Sohail's story is true, in all of our lives, the small everyday events complete us.
Life is a journey, where every day is an opportunity to learn and experience something new. We should seize those opportunities and enjoy a simple life.

Special Note: How did you feel after reading the story?

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