Reflection of the sky in Lake Nero (#club100)

in WORLD OF XPILAR2 years ago

Hello Friends!!!
Today I want to show a laconic landscape of Lake Nero, which is located near the city of Rostov.
If you are interested, you can see it on the map:
On the map, you can also see the small island that I have in the photo.
Rostov is an ancient city with a large Kremlin and ancient churches. A lot of tourists come there.

And now let's look at the photo. Right now, when I prepared it for uploading to our community, I saw strange bands of waves that form a lattice. When I used to look at the photos, I didn't notice them, I wasn't attentive to details.
I wonder what it is, because there were no boats nearby, but only one rubber boat with a fisherman, which did not move and could not create waves.
This is some kind of amazing phenomenon. If you can explain it, then write in the comments, it will be interesting!





Прекрасный вид!

Спасибо) Ответил поздно...отдыхал от интернета))

Это хорошее дело - отдохнуть от Интернета :)
Я в дагестан летал на 4 дня, плюс дорога... так что 5 дней без Инета и даже несколько дней просто без всякой связи. :)
А от одной девушке муж через каждый полчаса звонил. И даже во втором часу ночи, когда мы сидели у костра и пели песни. вот жуть.

Мужу тоже надо было ехать) а то и себе и всем вам нервы портил)

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