This creates a balance between the seven chakras and the five elements.

in WORLD OF XPILAR2 years ago

You all know that the human body is made up of five elements. All the elements are present in the seven major chakras of the body. In which our elements keep the balance. It keeps body and mind healthy. In the right life, eating and drinking and yoga on time, our body gets nutrients. In which the balance of the human body is maintained. You should be aware of this. In which such nutrients should be in the food. Which can easily fulfill the five elements. Always avoid heavy and fatty food during exercise. Always keep in mind while practicing. Your practice should come right. By doing some yoga asanas, one can create balance in the body. Surya Namaskar is the first to come in yoga. The rest are easy to use in increasing the blood circulation. There are many ways to make correct corrections. In which Ustrasana, Matsyasana, Sarvagasana, Halasana etc. are the best remedies.


For some reason you are seeing a deficiency in nutrients. So you can have a balanced diet. In which your body can be nourished by taking multi-vitamins, it can save the body before diseases come. It is most important to consult a doctor before doing any work. After any yoga, we get nourishment for the whole body. Want to create the right balance of the body. So there is always a need to eat vegetarian food. It is the most powerful. In which the amount of protein is rich. You must have seen that vegetables always come in their season. And fruits also always come in their season. Because the maker has made it like this. That the body needs to be fulfilled.

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Enjoy your Monday. A healthy lifestyle is one that helps maintain and improve your health and well-being.
Have a Nice Day.

Thanks for your up-vote, comment and resteemed

 2 years ago 

You've got a free upvote from witness fuli.
Peace & Love!

 2 years ago 

Thanks for telling. welcome @fuli

I love this type of information, we are responsible for our body and mind, leading a healthy life can be carried out by taking these measures, thanks for sharing.

Greetings and success!

 2 years ago 

Thank you sir. Most welcome @langra2804

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