Kingdom: New Lands - Build, Survive, Sail!

Kingdom: New Lands is a sequel of the known Kingdom Classic, the game is pretty similar to it's older brother. In New Lands, your quest is to grow your kingdom and survive the beasts that attack you, after you shipwrecked on the island. Once you grow your kingdom enough you can start crafting your ship and move to another island.


Short Details:

Title: Kingdom: New Lands is a sequel of the known Kingdom game (renamed Kingdom Classic after the release of New Lands)
Genre: Indie, Simulation, Strategy
Release Date: 9th August 2016
Developer: Noio
Publisher: Raw Fury

My First Gameplay

I have previously played Kingdom Classic, never finished it but I had a slight idea on how the game needs to be played.

When you start the game you can either start with a King or a Queen, the character is picked randomly. In my case I started with a Queen.


Starting Area into the woods

When you first start the island, you are greeted by a ghost that will show you your fist steps, it will take you to the place where you start your settlement, point to the buildings that need to be built first. The ghost also shows you where you can create the tools and weapons (Hammer - used by workers / Bows - soldiers).


The Ghost and the settlement

You get enough coins at the start of the game to build a worker 2 bowers and some simple walls to survive the night. Forgot to mention that in this game you are attacked by various beasts, but these beasts can attack only during the night or if you get to close to the their spawn portals. You also have some calm nights where you don't get any beasts at your door.

During the first few days I did my best to grow my army and workers, the more archers you have the higher chance you have to earn extra gold income, because during the day when your Kingdom isn't attacked they go out and farm animals.

Also I went and explored a little on the island and found a couple of Chests that rewarded me with gold.

First Gold ChestSecond Gold Chest

While expanding my Kingdom I observed that monsters attacked me only from the right side, I don't know if this happens only on the first island to make it easier for the new players, so I went exploring to the far right of the map and found their spawning portal. At that moment I found that monsters come out of the portal if you get to close. Because the trip was pretty long, and horse was exhausted I couldn't outrun the enemy so I had to drop some coins, apparently the mechanic from the old Kingdom still works, the monster will pick the gold and run back to the portal with his reward.


The Spawning Portal

Now that I saw their spawning point, it was time to explore the other side of the island, I went as far as possible to the left side, found a shipwreck that I could interact with, but didn't have enough gold to do so, and in the far left side I found a dock. I understood this was my way out so I started farming gold.


As time passed the attacks intensified, there were more beasts coming, usually there were 2-3 sometimes 4, but now the attacks were getting much bigger, this started happening after day 9/day 10.

Luckily by mistake I created myself a catapult while trying to see what the a construction was, this was the best investment made on this island, melted the beast waves with ease. The catapult throws stones that roll over a couple of meters so it kills the beast that hits and the ones close behind.


The Almighty Catapult



In the screenshot attached above you can see a medium sized beast wave, later on I had new beasts join, beasts that required more hits to die. Some looked like mage beasts that had ranged attacks while some of them had skulls over their head to protect them from my arrows.

I continued my gold collecting adventure and started pumping gold in the shipwreck I found, after spending like 40 gold, the ship was ready to sail. A couple of archers jumped in and it started sailing to the dock.


The ship was moving so slow that it took it close to 2 days to get to the dock, in the meantime during the last night there was a red moon, the wave that attacked me during that night was pretty big, they managed to get past the first 2 walls with ease and wipe half of my people, that's when I knew I needed to leave the island, and do it fast! The following night I kept close to the ship because I had the archers in the ship that could protect me in case the beasts go past my castle, and once it got to the dock I left the Island.

As far as I know from the first game, the beasts won't kill you but knock you and grab your crown, if you can't get it back before they get to the portal you lose.


It took me 17 days to leave the island, there are many other things to do on a island but because this was the first one, it was made easy for the new players. Later on there are different shrines on the island that you can buy and allow you to crop wheat, build stone walls, knights and who knows what else they added in this new game.

For the second Island I will try to record the gameplay and put snippets of it here.

If you got to the end of my post, I'd like to thank you for stopping by, also if you have played this game before and have some tips or tricks to make the survivability easier later on, feel free to leave them down below.

Sorry for my English mistakes, hopefully you could understand what I've tried to express.

If you like this game you can get it on:

System Requirements for Windows
OS: Win7 or higher
Memory: 4GB
DirectX: 10
Storage 1GB Available space


Great review bro - def makes me wanna take a look at it; art style looks hella cute!

Thank you :)
Same here, I like games with this type of art. Usually if I see games with pixel art I check them.

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