The Diary Game "Flooded while building a house"
Where I live is an area prone to flooding, because geographically it is located in the middle between the mountains and the sea, above the mountains and below the sea. There was a very sad experience at the end of 2023, during the construction stage of the house I live in now. Due to the high rainfall, the river can no longer accommodate the water flowing down from the mountains. So there are around five villages that are flooded, including the village where I live.
Due to the flood, work on the house was hampered for several days. I deliberately made plans so that the foundation of the house would be made high, because of my experience of frequent flooding. So when the flood occurred the water did not have time to enter the house because the house foundation was high. The water only reached the yard, almost as high as an adult's waist. Small children like it best when it's flooded, they can swim as much as they want.
So because of the flood, work on the house was hampered for several days. Slowly the water flow has decreased and house construction is continuing. If you calculate it materially, there are also many losses experienced by residents due to flooding events. Many livestock were swept away, such as chickens, ducks and also some of the planters' plants. After the flood, work on my house didn't experience any more problems and at the end of January 2024 the construction of the house was completed. Now I have occupied the house even though it is still in poor condition because the budget I have is not sufficient. But I am grateful because now I have my own house. That's a little experience that I share, hopefully useful and thanks for visiting my blog.
Dalam beberapa hari terakhir saya telah membagikan berbagai jenis potret, mengapa anda tidak datang untuk mengomentari?
Maafkan saya kawan, ada sesuatu hal yang membuat saya sangat sibuk dalam tiga hari kebelakang. Maaf baru sempat membalas koment Anda @steemadi!.🙏
Berharap di masa depan anda tidak sibuk dan juga tidak terlalu konyol dengan mengomentari satu postingan dan mengabaikan yang lain, jika and anda tidak mampu memaksimalkan waktu untuk mengomentari maka saran saya jangan pernah tinggalkan komentar sampah di postingan manapun, semoga anda kembali ke jalan ninja atau kewarasan mutlak :)