Talk Channel: "Comment or ask a question"/ Comente o pregunte (week 230) in the WOX

in WORLD OF XPILAR4 months ago

The idea of "Talk Channel"

The "talk channel" was created to share ideas and answer questions and concerns that you may have, being attended directly by the work team of the World Of Xpilar community, headed by the friend @xpilar. This channel is available to everyone, so I invite you to participate by leaving your concerns, questions, answers and ideas you have related to the platform..

El "canal de conversación" fue creado para compartir ideas y responder las preguntas e inquietudes que puedan tener, siendo atendidos de manera directa por el equipo de trabajo de la comunidad World Of Xpilar, encabezado por el amigo @xpilar. Este canal está dispuesto para todos, por ello, los invito a participar dejando sus inquietudes, preguntas, respuestas e ideas que tengan relacionado a la plataforma.

Theme this week:

#Questions, Answers and CommentsPreguntas, Respuestas y Comentarios
1Is it wrong to see Steemit as an entertainment company? What do you think about this¿Está mal ver a Steemit como una empresa de entretenimiento? Qué piensas sobre esto
2Beyond the support you may receive, what is your opinion on the strategy of reinvesting part or all of the rewards in Steem Power?Más allá del apoyo que puedas recibir, ¿cuál es tu opinión sobre la estrategia de reinvertir parte o la totalidad de las recompensas en Steem Power?
3What is your opinion on user participation in the management of the curation programs provided by the Steemit team?¿Cuál es tu opinión sobre la participación de los usuarios en la gestión de los programas de curación brindados por el equipo de Steemit?

These and other points we can discuss during this week.

Estos y otros puntos los podemos discutir durante esta semana.

Participate by leaving your comments, questions or answers here.

Participa, dejando su comentario, preguntas o respuestas aquí.

If you have a question about Steemit, please ask it here. / Si tienes una pregunta sobre Steemit, hazla aquí.

Talk Channel

The post "Talk Channel" is published weekly, every Monday and is open to everyone the whole week. And there we should all appreciate comments and responses to each other.

El post "Canal de conversación " se publica semanalmente, todos los lunes y está abierto a todo el mundo durante toda la semana. Y en él, todos debemos agradecer los comentarios y las respuestas de los demás.

  • Yes, we need to talk to each other as well.

Sí, también tenemos que hablar entre nosotros

Everyone is invited to speak on the topics of their choice.


Tell us a little bit about your "experience, criteria and/or doubts" regarding the Steemit platform, have the opportunity to answer or join other comments that the community may be making in the channel.Cuéntanos un poco sobre tu "experiencia, criterio y/o dudas" con respecto a la plataforma Steemit, ten la oportunidad de responder o unirte a otros comentarios que la comunidad pueda estar haciendo en el canal.

We also invite other connoisseurs of the subject to present themselves here on "Talk Channel"."

In the "talk channel" we or you can also post a topic that needs a review, for example tools on Steem or other things you want to know about Built with ♥ by @steemchiller



I do not see Steemit as an entertainment company. Perhaps I would if there was some kind of a register and search function to find quickly what you are looking for.

There's no categorizing of topics. No way I can find good stories/tales, art or for example film reviews back.

Steem watcher punishes if you engage and talk in the comment line and your comment/talk is not related to what's written.

Lately I see more and more people leave. I guess tje entertainment is found elsewhere or in real life.


@ibesso @yaladeeds @sbamsoneu @fadthalib @patjewell @pousinha

For entertainment I think Steemit can be a bit entertaining depends on who's post you fancy, the huge issue is that which you've pointed out, when you search you don't get to exactly find what or who you seek and if you even get it, the options you get are ery few. Could the problem be from us? Maybe we need to make sure we include our topic as one of our tags, when we post, to help others in their search.

Only four (4) tags work and those 4 are in average - if not more- used for nonsense like we see with most contests this besides of the fact many users have no idea what the hashtags mean.

How many will use book, film, review, comedy, comedian, singalong, funny? 0.001%

Well, that's true

Entertainment in Steemit only exists if there are continuous comments. Unfortunately many steemians are reluctant to comment. What's strange is that accounts that have a high reputation are apparently lazy about replying to comments. He should be an example for other steemians. At least give a thumbs up if you are too lazy to reply to comments.

A high reputation can be bought. If you buy 10,000 Steem your reputation goes up. There's no need to post. Just commenting is an option too although small chance you receive an upvote unless they know you.

If you receive many comments it's not doable to answer each one of them. It takes me over 6 hours daily. The more I read and comment the more comments I have to answer. I understand why it isn't possible to answer each one of them.
I invest way more time in this as in writing. Does it bring me anything? It never did as I started and it doesn't today.
Most contact I have with at most 10 Steemians. Always the same 10 and you are one of them and you knlw who the others are.

It would help if thete's an answer field shown underneath each reply. Now I need to load (and wait) them one by one even if I would only give a thumbs up.

It's hard to be an example if you are an investor at the first place, if you just like others are here for a bit of fun during a bt7eak. I started at 6 am answering (90 notifications) and now there are 43.

To me comments are not the entertaining part of Steemit. It's extra. The platform has to be more. Some reads or contests are if they trigger my brain.

 4 months ago 

Greetings friend, I am glad that you have decided to share with us your point of view on these points.

In Steemit you can generate a search through tags, if you want to see publications about art, you must search for the #art tag.

Regarding your second point, I haven't seen that SteetWatcher
will punish for commenting, however, if you share spam content to receive an important vote, that is another matter. This channel is for conversation and is under my responsibility.

In relation to the last point, on the networks there are always people who come and go, it is a matter of analyzing the reasons separately, that is, for each user, I know that they are all for different reasons than not being entertaining.

Thank you for sharing your experiences and opinion.

I cannot even find my own posts back if I search. This is a fact. If I find anything using a certain tag it goes back to at most 2 years. This is negative, not interesting for oitsiders to surf Steemit either. Most communities no lomher stand for a certain topic. You have no idea how many hours daily I search for stories!
#creativewriting? #steemexclusive? It's a mess and rarely what one is looking for.
It would be a big help if tags automatically show to categorize the post just like a community list shows.

I look forward to read more thoughts.

 4 months ago 

They can be found, it's just that as the years go by, there is much more information on the internet, however, you are right in the sense that Steemit does not cover many topics, although here we can find movie reviews.

Thank you for your interaction.

There was a site netflix and streaming, but it never became big. Can be there are film reviews and book reviews and art reviews and stories but they are allover the place in non slecific communities which have totally nothing to do with the topic.

It shouldn't matter how much data there is if I search on a topic it should show. Older information as well. But if I use my own hashtags I can find at most the most recent posts.
So am I restricted in this part of the world, if so so is everyone in Europe, or is this a Steemit issue.
If you ask me it's Steemit and if that's the case this means the platform is mainly meant for dropoing text. Not as a place to enjoy, read and be entertaint.
To be entertaint or stick around for longer the platfirm has to be catogorized, show topics, tags everything focused on readers.

Reinvesting a part or all earnings( powering up):
First of all I like to state that most of us already set 50/50 meaning we power up this way.
The question is should we power up more, is this doable if the average (90%?) joins this platform/Steemit to make an income?

Imdeed there are who achieve dolphin after dolphin no matter where they live but it's not because they write daily or are the greatest writers on Steemit. More is asked or needed to be that hit reveiving those high upvotes to make a dolphin out of a newbee within three months.

If an extra powering up is needed to make Steemit stronger I doubt. Plenty do, basically all the dolphins, orca's, investors plus @ null is frequently used. How more does Steemit need? Is this a sign of loyalty if we keep writing, promoting and never use a Steem?
If that would be the case I would have been rewarded years ago.

What worries me more is that those in need are treated like a pariah by more than one community. The only exveption are those who manage to be noted because they ask for aid.

It shouldn't matter if we power up fast or slow. There's a time for everything. What's important is people enjoy their time here, they return, feel home, rewarded and motivated to invest in this platform.

There's nothing wrong with teaching people to save for their future, their children or tje bike or phone they need or desire.
Let's be fair most posts do not receive a high upvote these Steemians are not even able to join the weekly powerup with a minimum of 20 Steem! (contest runs at the ladies of Steem).

 4 months ago 

Your point of view is very interesting, it is always good to see things in various ways, from those who invest capital to those who invest time, each one seeks a benefit. The club5050, for example, promotes the participation of users on the platform, whoever has SP has at least a minimal association with Steem, and as it grows, it develops greater interest.

Thank you for your interaction.

You are welcome. I good day to you.

Participation Users in Management of the Curation Programs

First of all I have no idea who the Steemit Team is. Aren't these users? Is Steemit decentralized?

I assume the Steemit Team aren't 100 - 500 people and certain jobs should be done?

The question is always: Who can and is willing to give a firm hand.

I am not sure why this question is asked. Is it about fairness, honesty, upvoting onedelf, those being close with only? Is it about the Steemit Team that should do the job or about tje preference to delegate to outsiders or let a bot do the job?

I have no idra what is meant or what is meant by 'management' so if it comes to this question I have no answer.

 4 months ago 

When we talk about management, we refer to the quality in the management of resources, in this case, the votes of the Steemcurator03-09 and Booming accounts. This strategy promotes participation, this practice was carried out by the Steemit team since it saw the need to trust the communities to expand the scope of support.

You explained it but what is the question? If it comes to it me or the average Steemian have no saying in it. Except I heard that scs are limited and follow certain rules.
I still don't knoe who the Steemit Team is. One person? Two?
The need will always be there for help and some communities do a great job while others mainl benefit themselves. For everything will be a reason or agreement so this question is about what exactly?

Nice avatar you have! 👍

steemit as an entertainment company?

Steemit is just a social media platform for steemians who have a hobby of writing. However, very few of the steemians' writings are able to entertain. So pictures are needed to replace the lack of entertaining narrative. Not to mention when we read comments that are more about repeating what has already been written. It's as if this commenter has read the entire content of the post.

 4 months ago 

There are excellent writers on Steemit, it's just that some are limited to their tastes or their search capacity, although unfortunately I can say that some want to tarnish originality with the use of artificial intelligence.

Thank you for your interaction.


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