Yellow Garden Spider

in WORLD OF XPILAR3 years ago

Well, I was caught up by another type of spider. Long leg spider with its prey. Under a very hot sun, I managed to photograph these creatures while they were calm. It is a yellow garden spider that is usually seen around the garden or woodland. Spending much time on the web while waiting for the prey stuck in its web and grabbed it with its legs. Yellow garden spider is included as common species that often attracts our attention due to its look, striking black, and white or yellow pattern, and relatively large size.

Yellow garden spiders are crepuscular (active during the morning and at nightfall) (Harwood 1974). Juveniles construct webs at night similar to adults, but second and third instars are slow to complete their webs, requiring two nights, rather than a typical single night (Enders 1977). Webs are typically attached to trees, shrubs, and herbaceous weeds; however, Lespedeza spp., or bush clover are a preferred attachment site (Enders 1997).Yellow Garden Spider






CameraNikon D7000
CategoryInsect Photography
LensTamron Tele-Macro 70-300

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