in WORLD OF XPILAR4 years ago



Recap|PART 1

Javed was very scared when he did know, he is being manipulated by the captain, he was shocked also at the time. He wanted to ask from captain why he did this to Javed? After some he saw the kindness of captain with him he dropped the idea, of asking something. He was thinking when I gonna knew their truth, captain will kill me. But Javed was wrong, he noticed the points and mistakes of old assistant, and he tried to learn from them. Because for now this was a job for him, this was everything for him. He just enjoyed the travel of sea, and worked. When they reached on an island, which completely filled with trees, and it was looking horrible. Javed told his captain that we would not find anything there, we have to move back. Captain said:"This is not an island, this is our home." Javed was surprised that how the island is home. They started to walk in jungle, the labors was walking with those loaded boxes. Javed was with his captain and free. The labors was not just labors, they was also an army for captain . The captain was talking to Javed, when they reached behind the trees. Javed saw the coolest scene of his life here. There was different houses which was made of wood, and they was painted with beautifully. There was an artificial garden made for all of the pirates and their families. The garden was filled with different kind of things of entertainment, but there was an artificial waterfall which was made with the water of sea, very beautifully, it was the thing which can not went from eyes. The water was bringing there happiness, kids was swimming in pool, which was made under the waterfall. The women wives, daughters and girls of pirates was washing clothes near by it, little was playing. Some of them saw to pirates, some of they came to their husbands and said them hi. The captain was walking like a king, he was really lucky, he was be like a king to all of them. It was the type of town made by them. There was no tension, no tension of how to earn, no tension of shops or business. There was only a peace. Javed thought the pirates are very clever and well maintained to their work and jobs. They are also very well educated, and good with their families. After talking to some of kids Javed got know that, the kids think their fathers are hero and Gordon (captain) is Superstar/Super king. They was learning the work of their father from a teacher, this was education for them. They tried to live in world but the world didn't accepted them, so they created a world for them. They all was happy. After knowing all facts Javed was inspired, he was thinking they are right, everybody have freedom to live in world, if there is not then do what you want. Else from suicide. Javed was thinking to live here, he was trying to talk with captain, at last he meet with captain, now he was giving him some special respect. He said:
"Captain, this place is very beautiful, I want to live here. I want to work with you. He further added "I am single so, I wanna marry also." He was shying.
Captain replied:
"Why not, you are my speical guest here, I want you to marry with my daughter, she did ask me, for you. I saw some good habits in you that's why you are here, otherwise anyone can not take a breath here."
Javed thanks him. Captain arranged marriage, all of them was invited. Javed got the name of this place, "GordonJ". When the marriage was near, Javed was very free with captain's family now, also he was spending time with all of pirates and their families. He was special guest there, now. They was inviting him at their home for food. But suddenly the captain ordered, we have to go for some other work. They prepared themselves, and they started their travel. That was horror night in the sea, and on the ship. They was finding a ship which was sent to arrest all of them. The captain wanted to save all families, so he wanted the police to not know about the place. Javed set their weapons on ship, he was new to these things, but now he was ready for Life or Death. So, they found a ship after traveling 7 hours on ship. When they went near to that ship, they saw no one on the ship. Their was the bodies of all of policemen and navy men. They was surprised, but they thought nothing and they turned back to the "GordonJ" with that ship. The Gordon wanted to make grave for all soldiers in Issland, will get all of their food, weapons. Also he wanted to not leave any prove of ship here.

Disco In Sea

When they was turning back, it was time near the morning. They saw a disco in sea. It was an owl shape, fully with lights and was shining like a sun. The surprising was that, it was near to their island. Captain got scared, he ordered all of his men to alert. They was watching that thing which was full with lights, and that was not the one light it was like rainbow or disco lights. Just like a disco look from far. In the sky the lights was making some bubbles types, that was just in first look. This was fresh scene from water. The moon was behind it. The whole scene was looking very great and beautiful. Everyone was just watching that. The scene was very heart touching.
What was happened to them? What was that thing? What the thing was? Who was waiting for them?
Get know in next part.



Great story, thanks @abdt
is excited about the next story

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Thanks for support. The story is going in nice excitement in next part Inshallah. Glad you like the story.

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