
thank you a lot, its a pleasure to get feeback like this.
I hope you try to make it and will have a success.
(just do not choose a thick paper -- it is harder to fold).
tinted or textured paper lead to nice and curious results, too.

I havent checked, but something tells me, YT might have a better, detailed how-to video guides on same subject... no?

anyway. all the best, @abbey701

Thank you for reply!
In fact, many Japanese people, including myself, traditionally know how to fold paper cranes in traditional culture. I learned naturally from my grandparents and parents, and also be taught in kindergarten.
But it's not logical, it's a level I can remember. So I was impressed to see you commenting in such a beautiful way!

a-a! so, I got a compliment from a native-keeper of this art? super-cool, thank you. I am melting and happy :)

I was not aware of this tradition as art. I noticed it with your wonderful post. It's very important. Thank you!

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