Kids of the world" by @olesia | Week №52: Our children hope for the future by jhellenmjgr

in Serey2 years ago


Talking about children is talking about our own childhood, children are hope, the future, our legacy, and we have to educate them, watch over them, when I was a girl they used to treat me like a princess, both my mom and dad, they pampered me a lot, especially with gifts, dolls, clothes, accessories, in short, a little, of course, I rewarded them with my grades and behavior, everything was perfect, not that I was the perfect girl, but I did everything so that they felt that I was grateful for their love, affection and attention.


But today many things have changed and I am referring to education, lifestyle and many other things, I understand that everything changes, evolves, this time is not my time, it is theirs, and all the children they have their learning process and time or tempo, my time was the future of this time and this time will be the future of the next, and adults are the steps for future generations, today there are so many ways for a child to lose the course, and There is cyberspace for example, I am not saying that cyberspace is bad, it also has its very good thing, I have a friend who says everything in this life are tools and even we are, the point is how we use these tools, yes to do good or evil, of course our free will also enters there, but for a child who has not yet fully developed how to differentiate good from evil is the same as giving him the doomsday button and telling him that he is a toy, he will think yes and it will play with the button, so the button says don't press or button to destroy the world."


We adults are obliged to safeguard the future, our future, and we can only do so by safeguarding the children who are our present, let us be more attentive, let us be more aware, and listen more to the children or one more thing and I repeat we were children and that is why you have to be empathic with them, if your son or daughter has a problem X listening is the beginning and helping or advising them to solve it one more point, let's not take for granted or something unimportant what children have to say because they will one day be adults and it depends on us today what kind of adults they will be tomorrow.

Thanks to @olesia for this very interesting contest! I kindly invite to @genomil @zhanavic69, @bedarg to participate 🔗


 2 years ago 


Good present...

Thank you I really appreciate your comment 🙏

Hola amiga, todo niño tiene derecho a vivir en seguridad y los padres estan en la obligación de darsela, todo lo que le sucede a un niño es responsabilidad del adulto a cargo.
Saludos amiga, gracias por la invitación, te deseo mucho éxito.

Hola! Abrí tanto tiempo, así es. Me gracias por leerme 💕

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