Weekly contest week#03 health game day #6 triglycerides and cholesterol naturally

in HEALTH REPUBLIC3 years ago (edited)


13 way to lower your triglycerides and cholesterol naturally,

  • 1 lost some weight

  • 2 limit your sugar intake

> Summery.

losing at latest 50% of your body weight has been show to have a lasting effect on reductive blood triglyceride levels

  • 3 follow and low-carb diet


Minimising added sugar in your diet from soda. Juice and sweets can reduct blood triglyceride levels
3 summery
following a low carb diet can lead to a significant reduction in blood triglyceride levels, especially when compared to a low fat diet

  • 4 eat more fibre


Adding fibre to your diet from footage vegetable and whole grain can redact blood triglyceride es

  • 5 must be exercise regularly


A regular workout regimen with high instantly aerobic exercise can increase good HLD cholesterol and discreet blood triglyceride s

  • 6 avoid fats


a diet high it trends fat can increase broad blood east and the risks of health discuss. Limit your supervision of processed back and friend foods to minimise your trans fat intake

  • 7 eat fatty fish twice weekly


Fatty fish is high in omega 3 fatty acids. Going to serving for weight can discuss the risks of heart discuss and reduct triglycerides. Level

  • 8 increase your intake of understanding fats


Monou Saturday
And fats can decrease blood guided levels especially when they are formed in place of other fats

  • 9 establish irregular male pattern


Wild research is unclear on how mel-frequency effects blood triglyceride levelsXX blood studies show that setting a regular main pattern can discuss many hard disc factor and prevent insulin resistance.

  • 10 you can obey all rows without its role they have many many e source 2 to kitna cm and health naturally.

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Health is wealth without health we cannot stay in this world. So be careful about your health.

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