in HEALTH REPUBLIC3 years ago

Hi steemit lovers

This contest is really an interesting one with very good significance because on a daily basis it affects us. So i want to appreciate @healthrepublic for putting up this contest.


The heart is a very central organ in the human body.

when the human heart is in trouble the entire body is really in trouble.


"Chambers of the Heart

The heart is a muscular organ about the size of a fist, located just behind and slightly left of the breastbone. The heart pumps blood through the network of arteries and veins called the cardiovascular system.source

The heart has four chambers:

  • The right atrium receives blood from the veins and pumps it to the right ventricle.
  • The right ventricle receives blood from the right atrium and pumps it to the lungs, where it is loaded with oxygen.
  • The left atrium receives oxygenated blood from the lungs and pumps it to the left ventricle.
  • The left ventricle (the strongest chamber) pumps oxygen-rich blood to the rest of the body. The left ventricle’s vigorous contractions create our blood pressure."source

"The Best Recipe For Heart Pressure. A large number of people have a problem with heart and blood pressure, today the environment is polluted, we eat fast food and burden our body and cardiovascular system with toxins"source

what we eat on a daily basis has a way of affecting our heart. Thats why some people say you are what you eat


So i would like to share with you natural ways to solve heart issues ie the best meal for strength and endurance.




I noticed that there are people who don't like to eat fruits, they prefer every other type of food but not fruits, well, i was like that back then, i would eat and eat without taking fruits along the line my health was affected and i was advice to make eating of fruits my companion.

Fruits generally contains vitamins, and vitamins helps increase the immune system of human body. Eating of fruits containing the following vitamins can do wonders to the body system.

A) Vitamins B : vitamins B containing fruits like banana etc adds in the production of energy in our body giving our body strength and vitality for the day. So when next you feel tired go for vitamins.

B) Vitamins A : this vitamins is powerful for eye sight. Do you know that anytime am eating carrot i just have one thing in my mind? That is my eyes. I dont like carrots so i intentionally eat them for my eye sight, you can do same just incase you dont like it. It has been noticed that whenever the heart is in a bad condition it begins to also affect the eye sight so to prevent this i recommend carrot for you always.

C) Vitamin k : This is a very fantastic kind of vitamins with a unique job. Its job primarily is to help in blood coagulation. Just in case, blood coagulation is the clotting of blood and it usually happens whenever blood solidify from its normal liquid form into a gel. So its the job of this vitamins that makes it possible.



Water is life

Water indeed is life. Alot of people dont really see the need of drinking enough water. Drinking water always is a natural remedy to health matters. Some people have formed the habit of not drinking water after meal, they prefer to take other drinks other than water. Some only drink water when they feel tasty, which is also not good. We are to drink water whither we feel tasty or not. We are to also drink water after meal too. Water helps flush out bad substances out of our body keeping our body healthy. Water also adds the digestion of the food we eat. So why not drink water more often today. You will see the difference.


This is one natural way i know and recommend everyone to be a part of. When you engage in exercise every part of your body gets involved, your heart especially works better with constant exercise. In fact the result of exercise to the heart is that it makes the heart pumps blood with little or no effort.
Exercise also helps the body in top shape, flushing the bad fat out of the body.

The heart is stronger and younger with exercise

There are different forms of body exercise on can engage in which included

A) Jogging:




" Swimming is an aerobic exercise, it strengthens the heart by helping it to become larger; making it more efficient in pumping — which leads to better blood flow throughout your body. 30 minutes of swimming a day can reduce coronary heart disease in women by 30 to 40 percent. Regular aerobic exercise can reduce blood pressure. Swimming raises “good” cholesterol HDL levels. For every 1 percent increase in HDL cholesterol, the risk of dying from heart disease drops by 3.5 percent. Studies have also shown that aerobic exercise like swimming can also keep the layer of cells lining your arteries flexible and in good shape."source


One natural way of keeping your body in health is by taking care of the day's stress. You can take care of the day's stress by watching comedy movies, funny jokes and even playing of music. You know everyday we go through so much stress, our mind is stressed, our body is stressed, our heart is even stressed but when you go through the stress and come back home i recommend you do any of the following i stated above. You laughing has a great way of relaxing our body. The next time you get stressed please try watching a comedy movie.


They say health is wealth and i seriously agree to it. To be healthy we must eat health and exercise often.

Thank you for reading.

Thanks to the contest winner appraiser
@dobartim @tatjanastan

Special thanks to

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