WEEKLY CONTEST WEEK 3 - Healthy Game - Day 6 - Reward Pool 50 STEEM - How to Clear Triglycerides and Cholesterol Naturally || by @rose-o

in HEALTH REPUBLIC3 years ago (edited)

WEEKLY CONTEST WEEK 3 - Healthy Game -
Greetings unique members of health republic this is my first post here I will be discussing on the various way of clearing Triglycerides and Cholesterol Naturally
First of us let us know the meaning of what we are clearing

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Triglycerides are fats found in the blood,after eating the food coverts to calories that we don't need into triglycerides and store them in the fat cell for energy.
Although we need energy in our body but having too much triglycerides in our blood can lead to heart diseases, uncomfortable diabetes, regular acholic intake can lead to high blood triglycerides

Ways to reduce triglycerides naturally

  1. Loss some weight:

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when ever you eat more calories the body turns those calories into triglycerides and store them in the fat cell.
_that is why loosing of weight is an effective way to reduce triglycerides

  1. Limit Your Sugar Intake;

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minimizing added sugar on your diet from soda, juice,and sweet can reduce triglycerides

  1. Follow a low cab diet: this can lead to significant reduction in blood triglycerides level especially when combined with low fat
  2. Eat more fibre:


fibre is found in fruits vegetable and whole grains, adding fibre to your diet can reduce triglycerides

  1. Exercise regularly:

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a regular routine of workout with high intensity aerobics exercise can reduce triglycerides

  1. Avoid trans fat:

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this are fats added to our processed food to increase their shelf life a diet in trans fat can increase triglycerides limit your consumption of processed baked food

  1. Eat fatty fish twice weekly:

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fatty fish is well known for it benefits on heart health and reduces triglycerides fatty fish is high in Omega 3 fatty acids eating two per week can reduce the increase of triglycerides

  1. Increase your consumption of unsaturated fats:

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this are found in foods like olive oil Avocado and nuts regular intake of it reduces triglycerides

  1. Establish a regular meal pattern
    While research are not sure of the level of triglycerides setting a regular meal pattern can reduce many heart disease risk factor
  2. Limit acholic intake:

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alcohol is high in sugar and calories if this calories remain unused, they can be converted into triglycerides and stored in the cell so it is advisable to reduce acholic intake

  1. Add Soy Protein to your diet:

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Soy is Rich in isoflavones which are types of plant compound with numerous health benefits eating soy protein in place of animal protein reduce triglycerides

  1. Eat more tree nut:

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this includes
i. Almond
ii. Pecans
iii. Walnut
iv. Cashew
v. Brazil nut etc
Nuts contain many heart healthy nutrients
Serving of 3 nuts per week reduces triglycerides

  1. Try a natural supplement:

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this can have the potential to lower triglycerides
This includes

i. Fish oil: well know for it potent effect on health and reduces triglycerides by 48%(44√)
ii. Fenugreek: though it is uses traditionally to stimulate milk production, fenugreek seeds has to be shown
iii. Garlic Extra
iv. Guggle
v. Curcumin

In Conclusion
Diet and lifestyle living has a major effect on triglycerides
Choosing healthy unsaturated fat in place of
Trans fat decreasing the intake of carb and exercising regularly may help reduce triglycerides in no time

Special thanks to

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