WEEKLY CONTEST WEEK 4 - Healthy Game - Day 2 - Reward Pool 50 STEEM - The Best Meal For Strength and Endurance

in HEALTH REPUBLIC3 years ago

You need tons of energy to cope with your hectic lifestyle, especially if you are doing hard work or into sport.

While certain foods in your diet can actually reduce stamina, healthy foods help to build up your stamina and increase your energy levels. Clearly, you have to avoid those foods that reduce stamina whenever possible, but when it comes to choosing the very best foods for your strength and endurance, that’s an even harder decision.
Today I will discuss about some foods you need to eat to boost your strength and endurance, when to eat and why to eat it


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Salmon is rich in the essential omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA. Consuming higher levels of omega-3 fats enhance greater muscle strength than those taking in lower levels of them, according to a study.
Additionally, omega-3s have been found to blunt muscle and joint breakdown, as well as enhance their recovery.

WHEN: Lunch or Dinner


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Eggs are the perfect protein loaded with cholesterol. Consuming 640 milligrams per day of additional cholesterol from eggs decreased the amount of LDL (bad) cholesterol particles.
Eggs maintain testosterone levels and the integrity of muscle cell membranes.

WHEN: Eggs can be consume in any regular meal.

AMOUNT:3 eggs per day


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Wheat Germ is highly rich in protein, zinc, iron, selenium, potassium and B vitamins, it contain good amount of of branched-chain amino acids, arginine and glutamine.
Wheat germ provides a good source of octacosanol, an alcohol that can increase muscle strength and endurance, it also increase the efficiency of the central nervous system.

WHEN: 30 minutes before workouts and any time of day if you want slow-digesting carbs.

AMOUNT: 1/2 cup of wheat germ daily


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Watermelon is one of the few fruits that are fast digesting, The red flesh and especially the white rind of watermelon are high in the amino acid citrulline, which is readily converted to arginine inside the bod. High arginine boost nitric oxide levels which enhance muscle strength and growth.

WHEN: Immediately after workouts.

AMOUNT: Two wedges of watermelon anytime of the day or after workout


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Herring is another meal rich in omega-3s, it also has one of the highest contents of creatine—which can help boost muscle strength and growth—of any food source from the land or sea.

WHEH: Between-meal snacks.


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Spinach is rich supply of antioxidants, it does not only promotes health it contains some ingredients that increase muscle strength and size. It’s a great source of glutamine, the amino acid that is highly important for muscle growth, immune function and gastrointestinal health.

WHEN: As a side salad with lunch and dinner.


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Organic Beef is very important due to its protein content, cholesterol and saturated fat, all of which maintain high testosterone levels.
It's contain high levels of conjugated linoleic acid and omega-3 fatty acids which help shed bodyfat while helping to boost muscle mass and strength at the same time.

WHEN: Lunch or dinner.


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Brown Rice is a whole grain that contain fiber which help slow down digestion and keep insulin levels steady, supplying you with energy to last throughout the day.

WHEN: Lunch or dinner.


Healthy Foods plays a significant role in physical performance and fitness.
We all need to eat all the above mentioned food to boost our Strength and Endurance.

Cc: @steemcurator01

Cc: @steemcurator02

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