WEEKLY CONTEST WEEK 5 - Healthy Game - Day 3|| The Best Recipe For Heart Pressure|| by @ngoenyi

in HEALTH REPUBLIC3 years ago (edited)


Hi my wonderful people in Health Republic, I am super excited to join you all in this wonderful contest series. I am particularly interested in this week's topic about the best recipe for heart pressure.


It is no doubt that the heart performs a very vital role in the body being the center for the pumping and the circulation and distribution of blood. The life of the body is in the blood and so if for any reason the heart could not perform it's function perfectly, then there is a problem.

The heart pressure therefore is the force that the heart applies in pumping and distribution of blood. Here are pipes in the body known as arteries and veins responsible for the blood circulation around the body. If the pipes are clean, without blockages, the blood will flow normal and the heart will have less work or pressure. Also, if the blood itself is not too thick as a result of fat in the blood, it also assists the heart to pump without much pressure. Fats can block the arteries and veins and thereby narrowing the space through which the blood can flow just as fat in the blood can make the blood too thick, and difficult to pass through the pipes. All these causes heart pressure and can lead to a very critical health conditions like stroke and can even lead to death.

My dad died of STROKE, my mother the same and one of my brothers died of it also. I can say that it is a common illness. Therefore, I in particular have resolved to improve my heart condition by making use of natural remedies that can help my heart pressure. Below are best recipes for heart pressure.

1: Regular and targeted Exercise

This helps burn fats and improve heart condition. It can clear the pipe ways by shaking off the blockages as it well, thereby enabling the blood to flow normal. Moderate walking, biking or cycling, hiking, pedal pushing, swimming and so on can help reduce the blood vessels stuffiness and allow for free flow of blood.

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2: foods rich in potassium and less in Sodium are great for heart pressure.

Potassium is a mineral that helps the body to remove or neutralize sodium thereby helping the heart to function well. We can find potassium in leafy vegetables, in tomatoes, and potatoes. They are also present in fruits like avacados , bananas, melons. Potassium is also in tuna and salmon, in nuts, seeds, milk and oats.

[Image source](eating well.com)

3: Manage Your Stress, Anxiety And Over Excitement

Experiences have shown that stress, anxiety and over excitement can cause high pressure in the heart. Stress has to do with not having enough rest, anxiety is excessive worries about anything. It could be your personal problems or that of other people. I have also seen someone who died as a result of over reaction to the good news she received. That is why it is very important that I control myself in everything. To achieve that, listen to cool musics with heart soothing lyrics, meditation can also help especially when it is centered on whatever thing that is good, chaste, trustworthy,virtueous, things that are well spoken of can help. Try to be with friends and family who cares about you and your well being. Those who have the history of high blood pressure like me will need to control their excitement as well. Be happy but not the type that can cause problem to your heart.

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Over excitement
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4: Drink less Alcohol and Caffeine, they can not help the heart rather cause more harm. Alcohol on its own increases heart pressure,so find out from your doctor if you should take it at all or the quantity to consume per day. Caffeine on the other hand can cause a short-term spike in heart pressure, although for many people, it does not cause a lasting increase. Therefore, find out if you should or should not take it.

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In conclusion, heart pressure recipe that are natural can really help and has no side effects. They are affordable. Therefore, applying the above mentioned and many more can help. It is true that hear pressure problem are more in old age, but everyone, no matter the age should start now to apply this simple recipe for heart pressure. Thank you all for following through. I am grateful to @dobartim @tatjanastan @enveng.

Endless thanks to


This is my introductorypost here



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You write it very well...
Heart health is so important yet we ignore this. I would not say I exercise a lot for my health but I try and hope your post will help me. :) :)

Thank you so much ma'am, I appreciate. Whatever we can do to keep us healthy will be worth the effort

You have explained it very well.

For the sake of Excellency you can edit and correct some spelling mistakes like

Fats can block the arthritis

It is arteries and not arthritis.

conditions like strock and can even lead to death.

It is basically STROKE instead of strock.

And some other typos too.


Thanks a lot for the corrections.

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