WEEKLY CONTEST WEEK 6 - Healthy Game - How to Get Rid of gallstones and Kidney Stones in a Natural Way?

in HEALTH REPUBLIC3 years ago

The Best Meal For Strength and Endurance

Hello dear community, it is a pleasure for me to participate in this new contest.

I want to thank the organizers for giving us the opportunity to contribute our grain of sand to the well-being of the communities in general.

I find it interesting, because we have been suffering from this disease in my family for some time.
Some have required surgery and others have been controlled by traditional natural medicines. This is an excellent option in my country, since medicines are practically inaccessible due to the high cost.
That is why we have looked for alternative options that have given us very good results and I would like to take this opportunity to share them with you.

The subject that concerns us at the moment is worthy of analysis, since many people are affected by this disease. However, our purpose is not to impose any medical treatment or to supplant medical opinions. Natural medicines have always been known to have a very positive effect on people's health.

Without further ado we will talk about how gallstones are formed.
It is important to know this because this way we will be informed and prepared when we have some symptoms related to the gallbladder.

Gallstones are simply "Stones in the gallbladder"
Simply put, they are formed when bile, which is a substance that is stored in the gallbladder, solidifies and creates small stones that become very painful. The reasons why bile hardens have to do with some factors.

For example
1.- High cholesterol level
2.- High glucose level, Diabetics
3.- Cirrhosis or liver problems.



There are other triggers, but what interests us in this post is how to avoid them or keep our gallbladder healthy.

It is very important that we are aware of the magnitude of the problem, since if the stones are very large, they will need the assistance of a specialist to avoid complications; but if they are small calculations, they are also controllable and that is where you can make use of home remedies such as those detailed below.


You should drink at least two liters of water a day to relax the gallbladder and reduce pain and inflammation. A good gallbladder cleaning can help you undo the stones.


4 medium yokes with roots
2 liters of natural water


Wash the yuquillas well and cut them, then place them in the water for 6 hours and drink as common water.
It is important to drink 1 liter a day. The first glass of water in the morning on an empty stomach should contain the juice of half a lemon.
Doing this for 21 days brings wonderful results.
It helps to break down gallstones and is an extraordinary diuretic.




Next I will place the recipe for a very nutritious and delicious juice. Here we call it "The Miracle Juice"

Oranges (Juice)
The juice of 1 lemon
2 stalks of celery
2 tomatoes
3 radishes
1 cup of watercress
1 large carrot
2 sprigs of parsley


Prepare the orange juice for a glass, place it in the blender and add the other ingredients and blend very well.
Consume preferably on an empty stomach to take full advantage of all the nutrients.
You should take it only 2 days a week.



With this juice you will nourish the gallbladder, liver and act as a natural cleanser. It's excellent.

YUQUILLA: Also known as turmeric

Cúrcuma en ingles.png

I hope you have enjoyed reading, take care of yourself, drink lots of water, be happy and avoid stress.

See you soon




Great post!
This is used in my family too, maybe you know about "Caña la india" this plant ist great for kidneys too..

Cuando leí tu publicación tambien me pareció muy interesante. En mi zona es muy común la yuquilla, tengo en mi patio, y por eso publliqué, pero la caña la india es excelente

Ahora me doy cuenta que también eres de Venezuela, con razón la publicación, ambas plantas son buenísimas.
Mucha suerte en esta nueva semana de concurso!

Pd: Verifica las reglas para que puedas entrar, debes colocar tu post en los comentarios además de compartirlo en una red social como twitter. Yo las había omitido

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