Our genetics govern whether we can consume dairy or not.

in HEALTH REPUBLIC3 years ago

Our genetics govern whether we can consume dairy or not.

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Hello friends, many people are dairy intolerant, but why does that happen; When our digestive system cannot properly digest a food we generate a thing called sensitivity or intolerance to that food, in the case of dairy this is very evident; As children we consume breast milk to nourish ourselves and in fact breast milk as food is infinitely superior to formula milk; Many studies show how the use of breast milk improves our cognitive capacity compared to the use of formula milk.

But as we grow we lose the ability to digest this lactose correctly and this happens because genetically it is no longer justified for our body to continue consuming dairy, this happens in all mammals we can easily digest breast milk in our first two or three years of life and then that capacity disappears, it is the same that makes us able or not to tolerate lactose later.

And while humans have been consuming dairy for the last 10,000 years and that has made many dairy-heavy towns a little more capable than others at tolerating dairy, it's still a very small percentage.

And on the other hand you have to know that lactose is the sugar in milk, when we lose the ability to digest them correctly we begin to have these symptoms of lactose intolerance, this happens because as we grow we lose the lactase which is the enzyme in charge of doing this digestion.

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A lot of the ability to tolerate lactose, digesting it correctly depends on your genetic origins, in Asia for example the vast majority of the population has lactose intolerance, but the countries with less lactose intolerance are for example Russia and the Nordic countries because They were the ones that historically consumed the most dairy products, so if you are not from those countries the probability that you cannot digest lactose correctly is very high, therefore, if you are going to consume dairy, I will recommend that they at least have no lactose.

To understand how lactose impacts you, you have to know what symptoms we present when we consume lactose and we cannot digest it correctly: We may find ourselves with higher levels of mucus, bloating, gas or the need to go to the bathroom relatively quickly because you have diarrhea, so yes you are intolerant to lactose, it is better not to consume it and look for substitutes for the nutrients it has.

I encourage you to go to the previous posts to inform you of other topics and have a better view of everything explained.

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