The Best Meal For Strength and Endurance - “RED POWER SHAKE”

in HEALTH REPUBLIC3 years ago
Hello friends from the Health Republic community, today I am sharing a different meal with you because it is a tasty and easy-to-make, and I’m talking abot a d Shake that provides that extra energy to keep us active the rest of the day and maintain strength. First of all, I thank to @dobartim @tatjanastan and @enveng for their great work in the community and for bringing us this excellent weekly game.

So, the shake I'm talking about is this wonderful



Source: Wilmer Peralta Moreno

What ingredients do we need to prepare it?

  • 300ml of skim milk or vegetable drink of coconut or almond if you are vegan / vegetarian
  • 5 strawberries
  • 1 small banana
  • 2 tablespoons sugar
  • 4 grams of ground cinnamon
  • 4 tablespoons oatmeal
  • 1 pinch of salt


It is as simple as placing all the ingredients in a blender and mixing until you get the drink and it will be ready to drink.

TIP: If the mixture is very thick add a little water until you get the desired consistency


  1. Oatmeal, sugar and milk provide the energy needed to stay active between meals and to resist long working hours and sports activities. They also help maintain strength because they help us maintain energy reserves for longer.

  2. Strawberries and banana also provide us with energy, but beyond that, they provide the body with bioactive compounds that promote the proper functioning of the body and help to better use the nutrients present in others and helping us to stay more healthy.

  3. With regard to cinnamon, it has been shown to be a vasodilator which contributes to the efficiency of the cardiovascular system and reduce hypertension caused by work stress. Another of its benefits is that it promotes good digestion, is anti-inflammatory and reduces the perception of muscle pain. It is also a powerful antioxidant protecting the body from free radicals produced during long working hours and work stress.

  4. Tthe pinch of salt combined with the potassium of the banana and strawberries provides us with an electrolyte balance if the work requires a physical effort that produces sweating like working in the field.

You can consume it before work to maintain your energy, during your break to recover when you have hard office work, or prepare it after work to recover your energy, make sure you are active the rest of the day, relax, reduce stress and sleep better.

It's amazing how a simple meal in the form of a shake gives us that extra energy and strength.

I hope you liked it. See you in next posts!

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