My Participation in >>> WEEKLY CONTEST WEEK 3 - Healthy Game - Day 7 ( The Last Day )- Reward Pool 50 STEEM - How to Clear Triglycerides and Cholesterol Naturally

in HEALTH REPUBLIC3 years ago

Good Day to everyone! Today I bring you my presentation to How to Clear Triglycerides and Cholesterol Naturally contest.

Before going to the recommendations, it is important to understand what triglycerides and cholesterol are.

Image source:Livelifemore


It is a substance contributes to the synthesis of hormones and fat-soluble vitamins. There is "good" HDL cholesterol and "bad" LDL cholesterol. In this sense, the priority is to maintain high levels of HDL cholesterol and for that will be the next recommendations.


They are compounds made up of three fatty acids. They are mainly found in products of plant origin, when we consumed are decomposed to be used in different cellular and transport functions. The consumption of certain types of acids contributes to appearance of dyslipidemias and cardiovascular diseases.

once understood what they are. We move on to the most anticipated point. RECOMMENDATIONS !!

With these 4 simple recommendations you will improve your lipid profile (colesterol & triglycerides) have a good cardiovascular health, and reduce the risk of many other diseases.


Image source:Poderky

1.Reduce your consumption of highly processed foods, industrial juices and soft drinks.

These foods are the ones we find in the supermarket and most of them contain a large amount of sugar, salt, saturated or trans fats that increase LDL concentrations and thus appearance of arterial plaques and decrease HDL, the arterial protectors.

Rosa Amarillo Heladería Tarjeta Presentación.jpg

2.Eat more white meat, fatty fish, grains, eggs and less red meat.

White meat, fish and grains contribute to good cardiovascular health and increase or improve cholesterol levels

Rosa Amarillo Heladería Tarjeta Presentación (2).jpg

3.Include at least 1 serving of vegetables, tubers, or fruit at each meal.

Its consumption regulates blood cholesterol levels, keeping HDL at optimal levels and promoting good health, as well as reducing the risk of colon cancer, diverticula and constipation.

Rosa Amarillo Heladería Tarjeta Presentación (3).jpg

4.Make physical activity at least 3 times a week

Regular exercise tends to lower LDL cholesterol and increase HDL. So plan your week and find a sports activity that you like and practice it. Rest assured that you will improve many aspects of your health

Rosa Amarillo Heladería Tarjeta Presentación (4).jpg


The following foods can help improve cholesterol and triglyceride levels, if you can, buy:

chia seeds.
Olive, corn, or canola oil
Green Tea
Salmon (sardines is an option more cheap and contain the same nutrients).

I hope you liked it and thanks to Health Republic comunity and its admin @healthrepublic @dobartim @girolamomarotta @tatjanastan @enveng for bringing this wonderful contest and the possibility of sharing my knowledge as well as the possibility of learning from you, they have published a lot of interesting and valuable content.

Here is my presentation in Spanish for those who want to meet me @ioskaromero

NOTE!!!: The written content presented in this publication is entirely my own, through the knowledge acquired in recent years and recomendation images are mine, made in Canva

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