The Best Recipe For Heart Pressure by benton3

in HEALTH REPUBLIC3 years ago (edited)


Hello fellow health steemians, I am excited once more to be part of this health community. Good Health is very imporrant to each one of us. If we have all the necessities of life, but no good health to enjoy them, all will be in vain. Our people says fhat health is wealth.

This week i am writing on the contest The Best Recipe For Heart Pressure

The heart is an important organ in the body. It is the part of the body that pumps blood to other parts of the body through the veins, arteries, ventricles, etc. Thus it performs a a life-saving work to the human body.

The pressure at which blood is pushed against the walls of our arteries are referred to as blood pressure. This pressure normally rises and falls through out the day.

A normal blood pressure reading is said to be 120/80 mmhg. A person with a reading consistently above 140/90 mmhg higher is diagnosed with high blood pressure. This can lead to health problems such as heart disease, heart attack, and stroke.

So what foods or recipe will be good for heart pressure?

1. Vegetables or leafy greens

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Salt is not good for the heart. It hangs on to the fluid in our body, thereby by bumping up more blood volume and putting pressure on the arteries, which makes the blood pressure to rise. When we eat vegetables a lot like spinach, kale, which are rich sources of pottassium. This mineral helps flush out sodium in the body via urination and reduces pressure on our blood vessels.

Examples of leafy green includes but not limited fo

  1. Cabbage
  2. Collard greens
  3. Fennel
  4. Kale
  5. Lettuce
  6. Mustard grains
  7. Swiss chard, etc.

2. Berries

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Berries are another source of food that helps with blood pressure. its pigmemts contain anthocyanin, that helps the artery walls expand and become more dlexible, thereby improving our heart health.

3. Yogurt

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Yoghurts are very rich in calcium, and calcium is good for blood pressure. It helps the blood vessels to tighten and relax when they should. So plain yoghurt is a very good way of taking in calcium. You can add berries to give it a sweetening taste.

4. Oatmeal.

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This is a whole grain food rich in fiber and low in sodium. It helps keep our weight and blood pressure under control. We can use bananas which are also good for the heart, or brown sugar as sweetener.

5. Olive oil

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They are in the family of polyphenols, protective antioxidant which gives it an edge over other oils. This property improves blood vessel health and aids them to stay elastic. It is more advisable to cook with olive oil than with vegetable oil, butter or the likes.

6.. Watermelon

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Watermelon contains citrulline, a branch of amino acid, which helps to manage blood pressure. Citrulline enables the body to produce nitric oxide, a gas that relaxes the blood vessels and helps the arteries to be flexible. This flexibility aids the flow of blood, thereby lowering high blood pressure.

7, Salmon and other fatty fish.

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These fishes are excellent source of Omega3 fats, that have very important health benefits with special reference to the heart. It helps to reduce blood pressure by reducing inflammation and reducing levels of oxylipins, which constricts blood vessels.


There are other healthy foods good for heart pressure, but can only mention this few. However the best non meal way to manage blood pressure is to always have a joyful heart.



Thank you all for going thru my post and for making this opportunity possible..

Cc: @steemcurator01
Cc: @steemcurator02
Cc: @trafalgar
Cc: @booming

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