Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms in Sicily

in Italy4 years ago

I drove my beloved trolley all the way to the south of Sicily, the first stop: Ragusa, the second stop: Agrigento. This is also an important city in the south.
At this time, we also had a preliminary impression of the Sicilians, passionate, unrestrained, and no longer the "Godfather", the Mafia members dangling cigars and killing people.


We drove south from Taormina. The sign for the speed limit of 80 on the highway was hanging high in front of us, but the Sicilians turned a blind eye and sprinted past me at a speed of 140 per hour. I thought I had mistaken the road sign. Miles are equal to kilometers, and I followed the local vehicles all the way.
When I saw a road sign showing a speed limit of 130 kilometers, I knew that I was not wrong, it was kilometers, but the heroic Italians ignored it. It's no wonder that Italy can produce super sports cars, and it may be their obsession that has grown in their bones.
Sicily is a hot land that will always be embraced by the dazzling sunlight of the Mediterranean Sea. In my heart, it is swaying intoxicating beauty like early summer flowers.


Ragusa, a city unheard of before I came here, even if you search for "Ragusa" on Baidu, you can find the former name of Dubrovnik in Croatia called "Ragusa". Only search for "Sicily" "Gusa" only returned to its true appearance.


When we first arrived in Ragusa in the evening, when we climbed from the foot of the mountain along the winding road, the Ragusa in front of us was like a huge castle, very mysterious. This Ragusa attracted me to pick up the camera for the first time, and I rushed to the old city alone.
We live in the new city of Ragusa, and it’s not too far to walk to the old city of Ragusa, but it’s a bit tired if it doesn’t work. When I was in the old city of Ragusa, Ragusa in the sunset took on a golden appearance, very beautiful.
Walking in the ancient city, the surrounding rusty buildings seem to be crumbling, everything is surrounded by silence.
The sunset is infinitely good, but it’s almost dusk. At this time, I found that I was as far as I could look. I was the only tourist. More often, there was no one in the ancient town, facing an empty city alone. The picture of the kidnapping appeared in front of me, and my only thought was when I was walking back.


The next day, I wake up naturally and get up satisfied. Last night, I found one of the most famous local seafood restaurants row by row in the new city. The delicious memories of Italian octopus and delicious sea bass are especially present this morning.
set off! Continue to visit Ragusa!
The city center was divided into two by an earthquake. After later reconstruction, the ancient city still retains its charm.
I am in a small alley in the ancient city of Ragusa, as if I am in a maze. I remember the way so I can’t accurately distinguish the way I came. I can only use the GPS which is not too accurate to shuttle through the winding mountain trails of the ancient city to feel its long history. History and culture.

In the afternoon, eat and drink! We set off for Agrigento, an even older town. The Greek poet Pindaros once praised Agrigento as "the most beautiful city on earth". It is also the birthplace of the modern playwright Luigi Pirandello.
The first stop of Agrigento was the Valley of the Temples. According to records, Agrigento was built in 581 BC, and the town reached its peak in the 5th century BC. The ancient Greek colonists established this city in the mountains on the southern coast of Sicily, after which Romans, Byzantines and Arabs ruled it successively. It was once one of the most important towns in ancient Greece and the most glorious place in Sicily.


The Valley of the Temples of Ancient Greece, 2 kilometers away from the town of Agrigento, is a true reproduction of Agrigento's ancient and splendid civilization. These nearly 2500-year-old ancient Greek ruins still stand tall in front of the world today. It must be said that it is a miracle. The Valley of the Temples of Agrigento has also become the most important and best-preserved group of temples outside of Greece. It was listed as a United Nations World Cultural Heritage in 1997.
In the Valley of the Temples, I saw the spring scenery like a peach blossom field. The first peach blossom forest in 2020 is here.

The parking space in the Temple Valley is not easy to find. You can only park the car to the exit according to the signs and take the TAXI for 3 Euros per person to take people to the top of the mountain. But this is definitely a good way to visit. I've been walking down the slope, saving energy, otherwise, taking a round trip on the mountain road in the Temple Valley will definitely consume a day of cultivation.

Valle dei Templi, the valley of the temples, is not a valley, but a hill to the south of Acrigento. The terrain is dangerous. One side can overlook the city of Acrigento, and the other side is surrounded by the green areas of the valley. The hills are lined with the remains of ancient Greek temples in red. The temple is tall and magnificent. Although it has been damaged by natural disasters, wars and early Christians, it is quite intact.

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