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RE: Perché AstraZeneca ha ritirato il suo vaccino anti-Covid? / Why did AstraZeneca withdraw its anti-Covid vaccine? [MULTILANGUAGE]

in Italy2 months ago (edited)

There are more who know better, way better. I already knew vaccinations cause all kinds of diseases. It's since 1917 as the US vaxed the us army and they keep testing on people. All those incresed ADHD, Autism, Hiv, sleepdisorders, always feeling tired and only wanting to sleepis caused by vaccinations. There's not one single vaccinatiin that ended an epimedic only one thing did: hygiene!

It is scaring indeed people forget easily. So will the youth that shouted so hard, got depressed as they were in lockdown. The same youth that grew up behind TV, gaming, always online. They never played outside or went out.
The next outbreak will be announced.

Just like with you nooneof my children (daughters and son) is vaccinated. I talked with them and we decided we rather go and stay in lockdown and be banned by taking part in societies' fun things. We also refuse bloodtransfusions an organs. All blood is mixed by bloodbanks. They spread Aids this way and the last vax created a new Aids.

I once read Hollywood knows what the plans are the Eugenics have in mind for over 300years it's not a secret, everything can be read and found on the internet and in libraries. If it comes to the old film all what sounded fiction back then is reality today. Look how many films are about viruses and armageddon.

The past days (weeks) there are problems with the water, some bacteria. The water shoukd be cooked for 3 minutes. You should see how people act! And of course there's no bottled water available. Strange is it was the same last year 7000 people.
Now the region with 'infected' water is getting bigger. It reminds me of what the CEO of Nestlé said: the people shouldn't have free excess to drinking water.

It is so easy to manipulate, set people uo, make them fight another all one has to do is taking security and basic needs away: fresh air, water, food, vacation/travelling.

The CO2 nonsense only makes me laugh. It's a big joke especially after the c years producing mountains of syringes, gloves and face masks. More waste in 3 years as produced in 100 years.

I wish you a great day with not too many worries. With skills, some plans, a pantry with basic needs there are many possibilities.

There are many more who think like us. You find them on Telegram and Rumble. Our critical thinking broadcasting Chanels like Blackbox TV and others are banned by the EU and there too.



I agree with everything you said. Unfortunately, we are heading into a future where they want us to be quiet and obedient.

I believe we already live in that period for longer. Just now it shows more.
Be quiet is hard... what my grandmother said about getting older and learn how to keep your mouth shut doesn't count for me. Perhaps in 10 or 20 years if still alive?

A blessed day to you and your loved ones.

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