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RE: PHOTOCHAIN Challenge TESTNET - Edition number 72 [ENG | ITA]

in Italylast month

It had to take the photo in the dark and used the old pone it's flashlight to give you a peep in the "pantry".
It's getting empty but enought tea to survive the winter. Plenty of cans but the hearts are rare the youngest kids gave me her "piggy bank". Weird word it doesn't look like a pig more like a trunk.


can - heart -winter

I invite @marcoteixeira the photographer

Take a photo with a can + heart, post as a comment and add your 3rd word visible on the photo you took.


English words are weird sometimes."Piggy bank", "hot dog", "monkey business", "elephant in the room", "rabbit hole", "crocodile tears", "horse sense" - all weird words to convey something but not the animal in question 🤔🤔🤔

Haha your pantry looks stacked and ready to go. I don't drink tea but my wife does and has a variety of them too. I love olives. They're very expensive here.

Thank the kids for giving you the heart. A lot of them too. Good luck on your entry. If you win, I'll be sweating to find winter 😅 😂

 last month 

Yes, agree with you. with us a piggy bank is called a saving jar (if you translate the word). Perhpas the English save money to buy a pig? Or once a farmer did and everyone adopted the word? It would make more sense to save money to buy a lamb for Eastern or so.
I doubt crocodiles cry... there's also an elephant in the porcelain cupboard.. I mean.. is it a svarovki one or ceramic or an Indian elephant?

My panty is empty at the back but it's the plan we empty it or most of it. It's for the winter if we can't leave so have some stuff in case of need and tea is hard to get. Many shelves are empty since months. We also drink just hot water but tea tastes better. Especially the autumn and winter teas they are spicy.
Olives are expensive here too. We have nothing so everything has to be imported but I decided since I don't eat much and it's healthy to buy it anyway.

Thanks for commenting.

I read somewhere Germans thought pigs were lucky animals and so began saving money in pig shaped jars and this caught on later. So not the English saving for a pig but the Germans hoping the pig can give them more money 😂 You are right crocodiles don't cry but they shed tears. Not of happiness or sadness but because they need tears to clear their eye ducts. I don't know if onions can make them tear up, though. That'll be a big help.

There shouldn't be any 🐘 in the room even if it's too heavy and too uncomfortable to carry?

I really don't know much about Pantry Management 101. We don't have winters so stuff don't get scarce and are available 24/7 as long as you have purchasing power. But in your case it looks like you need to really study pantry strategies to survive the winter. I won't last a week where you live. 🥶

I like your comments because they really are off the cuff and spontaneous. Like coins dropping free fall in a piggy bank 😁 Clink Clink Clink

A big tea drinker, it seems. Pig, trunk, no problem: the heart is there. So... welcome to the new edition and thanks for your contribution. A big good luck! :D

Пока у меня темно (сейчас один час ночи), я приглашаю принять участие в конкурсе @soroka74, @filipaul и @mamamasha. Сейчас они наверняка спят, но с утра их ждет физкульт-привет от меня:)

 last month 

У меня сейчас 2:29, а я все еще не лег спать, лол

О, Вам тоже надо заботиться о себе! Сон - это очень важно, особенно, когда есть возможность поспать:) Спать я очень люблю:)

Muchas gracias por la invitación, está muy bien el concurso.

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