UNFORGETTABLE ITALY - Federico Fellini's grandparents' house [EN]-[IT]

in Italy3 years ago


Photos taken from Federico Fellini's grandparents' house. It is said that the famous Italian director Federico Fellini was conceived in this house.
This house is located in a small town in Romagna called GAMBETTOLA (Forlì-Cesena, Italy). The Municipality of Gambettola has recently allocated some money to completely renovate the house of Federico Fellini's grandparents. He always used to come here when he was a child and during the summer. The work has already begun, I will return to this place when the work is finished.
Note: To the left of this old house there is a splendid park bearing the director's name, in fact the park is called "Parco Fellini".
Photos of my property taken with IPhone-11

Foto tratte dalla casa dei nonni di Federico Fellini. Si dice che in questa casa fu concepito il famoso regista italiano Federico Fellini.
Questa casa si trova in un piccolo paese della Romagna di nome GAMBETTOLA (Forlì-Cesena, Italia). Il Comune di Gambettola ha recentemente stanziato dei soldi per ristrutturare interamente la casa dei nonni di Federico Fellini. Egli veniva sempre qui quando era bambino e dirante il periodo estivo. I lavori sono giá iniziati, torneró in questo posto a lavori finiti.
Nota: Alla sinistra di questa vecchia abitazione c’è un parco splendido che porta il nome del regista, infatti il parco si chiama “Parco Fellini”.
Foto di mia proprietà scattate con IPhone-11








اَلسَلامُ عَلَيْكُم وَرَحْمَةُ اَللهِ وَبَرَكاتُهُ‎

You visited this place during your childhood! We are surprised how time passes. Remembering is living.Thanks for your presentation....

in 2022 the renovations will finish and I will post a post where I will show the house when the work is finished

Nice pictures.

Thanks for stopping by, One of the most famous Italian directors lived here as a child

Your welcome ❤️❤️♥️

The remodeling of the house is a good initiative, you took good photos with your phone. Thanks for sharing.

Thanks for the appreciation, for the photos I use an Iphone 11, and sometimes I use the wide-angle lens

Federico Fellini, director and screenwriter, considered the best filmmaker in his country, I think it is excellent that they carry out this remodeling of his grandparents' house, as part of the recognition for the trajectory of this great character. Thanks for sharing.

Exactly! I see you've already heard of this Italian director. What country do you live in?

Thats beautiful place.
Thanks for sharing with us

this is where a very famous Italian director spent his summers when he was a child.

iPhone 11 photos are awesome, sounds he was a great legend of italy who born there. Nice photographs with historical memories.

This is the house where one of the most acclaimed Italian directors spent his youth.

Thank you so much sir for your kind reply!

very beautiful place, your camera is also very good very natural👏🥰

[WhereIn Android] (http://www.wherein.io)

Thank you for appreciation. The photos I take with an Iphone 11 and sometimes I use the wide angle lens

that's really a good view there, the house looks beautiful, thanks for sharing.

I'll be back to take some pictures when the work is finished

Sorry I haven't been able to reply to your message, because the internet is not good..

[WhereIn Android] (http://www.wherein.io)

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