in Italy3 years ago (edited)


(photo of my property)

Con questa foto partecipo al concorso di @italygame. Qui di seguito il link all'ultimo contest:

Descrizione dello scatto fotografico
Era il 2004 quando soggiornammo a Cattolica (RN) durante il periodo estivo. In quell’estate visitammo la mostra di uno scultore che purtroppo non ricordo il nome. Una delle sue sculture mi rimasero impresse e questa scultura non la dimenticherò mai. Questa scultura rappresentava un uomo fatto con il verde della natura, come se fosse la natura stessa che si era messa a sedere e a pensare a quello che il genere umano stesso le stava facendo.

Macchina fotografica
Canon Digital IXUS


Description of the photo shoot
It was in 2004 when we stayed in Cattolica (RN) during the summer. In that summer we visited the exhibition of a sculptor who unfortunately I don't remember the name. One of his sculptures stayed with me and I will never forget this sculpture. This sculpture represented a man made out of the green of nature, as if nature herself had sat down and thought about what mankind was doing to her.

Canon Digital IXUS


nice click 💞💞💞

thanks for the appreciation, but it is a really beautiful sculpture

Your way of thinking is interesting, the man thinks about we are doing to nature , in his left hand he carries a manuscript, maybe he wants people to read what he wants us to do, it is a complement to your way of thinking.

I would like to own a sculpture like that

really beautiful @stefano.massari...the best photo..

[WhereIn Android] (

thanks for your appreciation, the photo has beautiful lights, but the sculpture is beautiful for me

Thank you @stefano.massari..

I'm absolutely right @ stefano.massari..!


@ if you have time please support me...? 🙏🙏

[WhereIn Android] (

Of course I support you, you are now at 56 tesource credit, but you will see that you will soon reach 60

thank you very much @stefano.massari..🙏

may your life always be successful..

thanks for your good wishes. This year my family and I took covid so health is also important.

Dear God, exercise often with the family @stefano.massari , so that our immune system becomes healthy, hopefully covid-19 will pass quickly in the family @stefano.massari, my post will be so quiet without @stefano.massari.. please help .. 🙏

Bello scatto Stefano!

Era una scultura bellissima, ma non ho osato chiedere il prezzo. Nel 2025 peró me ne prenderó una.

Bagus sekali postingan anda saya suka banget dengan gaya postingan yang seperti anda punya karena penuh dengan
Dengan makna
Terimakasih banyak, bay neukyan😂

sorry but I can't understand your language

Molto bella la foto, anche se il soggetto mi sembra un po inquietante

Confermo, il soggetto è bello, quanto espressione di dolore

Yeah, it is the best photo. Fabulous one!

I must admit that that sculpture was fabulous ... if I were rich I would have liked to have one in the house


Se faremo 2 soldi con le nostre idee mi piacerebbe possedere una scultura simile

wow,amazing photoes,i like it

[WhereIn Android] (

Thanks for stopping by

@stefano.massari ,i hope you want support me please,I wish you success always, and I can be like you

[WhereIn Android] (

you can be so much better than me.

A pic with thousand saying

It is true what you say, we can interpret this work in many ways. In my opinion it is a very expressive sculpture

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