Renato Massari - Ali in festa [IT] - [EN]

in Italy3 years ago

Renato Massari - Ali in festa

Vi presento il pittore italiano Renato Massari, mio padre. Nel 1974 ottiene la nomina di "ACCADEMICO BENEMERITO" dall'Accademia Universale Guglielmo Marconi di Roma.

Descrizione dell'opera
Dipinto da: Renato Massari
Titolo: Ali in festa
Anno: 1996
Dimensioni: 70 cm x 50 cm
Materiale: cartoncino telato
Vernice: Olio

Foto del dipinto
Il dipinto rappresenta un volo notturno di uccelli. Le loro ali coprono molto spazio del dipinto, ma lasciano la luna intatta.


Dettaglio 1
Gli uccelli sono stati dipinti con un tratto leggero, quasi come si confondessero con il cielo.


Dettaglio 2
La luna appare come figura centrale ed è ammirata anche dagli uccelli in volo.



Renato Massari - Wings in celebration

I present the Italian painter Renato Massari, my father. In 1974 he was awarded the title of "WELCOME ACADEMIC" by the Guglielmo Marconi Universal Academy of Rome.

Description of the work
Painted by: Renato Massari
Title: Wings in celebration
Year: 1996
Dimensions: 70 cm x 50 cm
Material: canvas board
Varnish: Oil

Photo of the painting
The painting represents a night flight of birds. Their wings cover much of the painting, but leave the moon intact.


Detail 1
The birds have been painted with a light stroke, almost as if they were blending in with the sky.


Detail 2
The moon appears as a central figure and is also admired by the birds in flight.


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Mi piace vedere la testa dell'uccello, la posizione è inclinata, è un modo di mostrare rispetto per il cielo, la luna, l'universo, la posizione delle ali rende la luna il fulcro del dipinto come dici tu, è mostra anche rispetto, tuo padre ha molto talento, senza dubbio abbi cura di lui molto

Esatto! La posizione delle ali rende omaggio alla luna... le ali non nascondono lo splendore della luna. Interessante la tua visione sulla testa inclinata dell’uccello come segno di rispetto per il cielo.

 3 years ago 

Le opere di tuo padre sono sempre emozionanti, quì gli uccelli sono eterei, sembrano della stessa materia del cielo, bel dipinto! Complimenti al tuo papà!

Ecco hai colpito nel segno!!! Non riuscivo a spiegarlo bene... gli uccelli sono eterei e sembrano essere nati già in cielo anzichè in terra, si confondono con ció che è parte del cielo. Grazie per aver lasciato un commento

Grazie @steefano.massari. avere un padre così, Spero possiate essere orgogliosi anche dei suoi genitori, che nel 1974 ricevettero una nomination "BENEMERITO ACCADEMIC" dall'Accademia Universale Guglielmo Marconi di Roma. Sono molto felice di sentire questa tua notizia..

[WhereIn Android] (

my father has a lot of human sensitivity, I also consider him a true artist

great sir @steefano.massari, hopefully your knowledge flows to you @steefano.massari...amen..

@steefano.massari in what community do I write posts on steemit...? in the italian community maybe..?

[WhereIn Android] (

Try to write on ITALY comunity

thank you @steefano.massari..🙏

@steefano.massari..sorry to interrupt, How to write about changes in advertising, while we see climate change in media news, how to write posts.. 🙏

[WhereIn Android] (

maybe next weekend, when I have some time, I will post on the news regarding some events in the world, so I can give you a concrete idea.

thank you very much @steefano.massari

Beautiful painting dude, does your father still alive?

thanks for leaving a comment. My father is still alive, he took the covid six months ago and managed to defeat it. My father doesn't paint anymore but he is still with us.

@stefano.massari kindly convey my message to your father that "He is a great painter and the way he delivers his thought via paintings are exquisite."

I have seen your father drawing before from you. He is skilled at drawing.

I also believe that my father is good at painting, he has had several national awards and some even international, thanks for stopping by

What a nice piece of art

Thank you for stopping by and for expressing your appreciation

your father is a professional painter, his paintings are very good , i really like his paintings, Thank you for sharing

thank you for your kind words, my father is a very sensitive man and this I think is the main characteristic of any true artist.

This is a beautiful painting, I like how your father mixed the birds with the sky. Thanks for sharing. Greetings.

thanks for leaving a comment

These are the masterpieces. Artist is a gem

Thanks for your comment. This painting is not very large, but when I look at it I am always enchanted

Amazing panting.
Glad to see.

Thank you for stopping by and expressing your opinion.

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