A look at APENFT (06/09/2021) [EN] -[IT]

in Italy3 years ago


chart screenshot from: https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/apenft/

[EN] - On September 06, 2021, APENFT was worth $ 0.0000049

[IT] - Il 06 Settembre 2021 APENFT valeva 0.0000049 $

price source: https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/apenft/


Cryptocurrency data
Features of APENFT:
Token name: NFT
Area of application: buying and selling Non-fungible tokens
Ranking: 411
Market capitalisation: $100 million

The price of the NFT token (APENFT token) has experienced a significant price explosion. During the first week of September 2021, the price had a gain of 111%. Now its value is falling. This token was airdropped a few months ago. Those who had Tron or Btt in their portfolio received this airdrop. The airdrop also reached those who held TRX and BTT tokens on the Bilance exchange.

The NFT token is a dedicated Non-fungible token and had a significant price increase during the first week of September, I believe it is a token to monitor.

Have you checked to see if your Tronlink wallet has received the airdrop?
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Dati della criptovaluta
Caratteristiche di APENFT:
Nome del Token: NFT
Settore di applicazione: compravendita dei Non-fungible token
Posizione in classifica: 411
Capitalizzazione di mercato: 100 milioni di dollari

Il prezzo del token NFT (token di APENFT) ha avuto un’esplosione di prezzo rilevante. Durante la prima settimana di Settembre 2021 il prezzo ha avuto un guadagno del 111%. Ora il suo valore sta calando. Di questo token è stato fatto un airdrop qualche mese fa. Chi possedeva Tron o Btt nel proprio portafoglio ha ricevuto questo airdrop. L’airdrop è arrivato anche a chi possedeva i token TRX e BTT sull’exchange Bilance.

Il token NFT è un token dedicato ai Non-fungible token ed ha avuto un incremento di prezzo rilevante durante la prima settimana di Settembre, credo che sia un token da monitorare.

Avete controllato se nel vostro portafoglio Tronlink vi è arrivato l’airdrop?
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Do you think APENFT will grow up?

 3 years ago (edited)


I don't want you to invest if you are not absolutely convinced, however my answer is YES, I think it is likely that this token will acquire value in 2022.

So this is a long term investment

I have not verified it yet but I will see it at night, human beings are strange, in the confinement we complain about the lack of work, now that everything is reactivated, we complain about the demand for work, but I am left with the last one.

hello, Good informaction. I lik it ........

I believe that this token will grow, as it is dedicated to the world of NFT which will be an expanding world for the next 5 years

grazie per l'informazione, spero che il prezzo della moneta salga👍

[WhereIn Android] (http://www.wherein.io)

I believe it will go up in the future

Nft token is the future, that time it will be more valuable.

I think so too

always write the best posts, hopefully @stefano.massari's knowledge can flow for me...!!

[WhereIn Android] (http://www.wherein.io)

NFTs will develop more and more in the future and this token could benefit from it

great @steefano.massari,, where can we start NFTs...?

for now I can't give you a answer ... I'm studying this sector too and I'm taking a look at the NFT section on BINANCE.

he's okay @steefano.massari..if one day you have found the answer teach me huh...???

I have known about nft just one months ago. I was surprised that i didn't know about such an potential project. Nft will be trending soon. Anyway i have a plan to buy nft next month.

the NFT market will be disruptive in the digital art sector

Nft is trending now. I hope nft will go long way than cryptocurrency.

NFT will help digital art to develop more and more

thinking about nft feels like dreaming, but it is the trend now, in future it will be huge.

I agree ... let's expect other increases

I have airdrop program on my tronlink..

very well, let's stick together and exchange information.

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